
Olaoluwa Agbesanwa Anike, aka, Blacklammi is an upcoming model and graduate of History and International Relations from the Lagos State University (LASU). In this conversation with CHRIS EBONG on Thursday, she spoke about her aspiration to become a big time Model and a change agent that would impact positively on the society. Excerpt.

When I boarded the bus the first thing I saw was the face of Africa, who is the person? My name is Olaoluwa Agbesan- wa Anike. I am from Abeokuta but I was born and brought up in Port Harcourt. It’s the school that brought me to Lagos.

I am a student of Lagos State University studying History and Internation- al Relations. I have just graduated and I am waiting to do my man- datory service. I am a model and hoping to sign in with one of the biggest modeling agencies in the country or abroad.

How old are you? I am 21, should be 22 later this year Can you tell me about your parents? Like I said, I was born and brought up in Port Harcourt. My parents and family are all there What informs your dressing mode and looks? Actually I had different looks from the start. Because I always want to be a model, I like going for something different that stands me out.

Infact that was the main reason I had to come to Lagos in the first place. I had a passion for modeling and needed to follow it up in an environment where that dream could be easily actualised. So, initially I was on golden hair and it didn’t sell me out.

I tried my second look, Afro and it didn’t work out and when I changed to my present looks, I said oh yes, this is the real me. It makes me more confident when I shave off all my hair. I look more beautiful this way, the original African girl.

Also, I do this because I want to give other girls confidence not to have low self-esteem about them- selves. As a model, what are those things you have done in the past? I have worked with a lot of peo- ple on sets. I have worked with the likes of Chike; Osleek Video; I have appeared in Flavour’s video and have also worked with upcom- ing artists; Young John and so on.

I have done a lot of jobs and cur- rently I am going for a show. And I have done a lot of jobs with photographers. I’m going for multi.


Where do you reside in Lagos? Interview I Want To Become A Great Star, Influence My Society — Blacklammi but I’m about relocating to some- where else. Why the relocating? Remember I said I came to La- gos for a purpose; to actually ex- plore and grow my talent. I need an exposure.

What are those things you are looking out for in Lagos? I’m looking out to become a star, a great star. The light of the world and want to grow up to be a woman who influences the society and be thatchangeagentinoursociety. Have you been making contacts as to where you actually want to go in terms of modeling careers? Not really.

The only sets of peo- ple that I have come across are some modeling agencies. But the only issue I have is my height, they would say she’s short, she can’t do it. But if I have to talk about my- self I am really good; they are only underestimating me as a person.

You said, one of the challenges you have is your height, does that discour- age you from moving on or dampen your morale in anyway? Hell no! No low esteem because I know that God has better plans for me. When you know who you are and what is inside you knowing that you are going to be great, it’s beyond man’s judgments. Whether it comes now or it comes late when it comes you are going to shine.

Apart from the height, what are other challenges you face in the course of search for modeling jobs, have you been sexually molested by the men? That has not come because God has always been with me. Even when I don’t apply for jobs, jobs come to me. I don’t feel I need to get molested for something that I have in me.

It is only when you are not sure of yourself you allow that. And if you are in a hurry to grab everything then you would be molested. But if you are not rush- ing and wait for your time, with faith God will do it for you without hindrances.

So, you mean that with your beauty and all the men you have met, none has made sexual advances towards you? They don’t do that and if they do I will make them understand that business is business. What’s your take on young girls, of your age of course, going have naked and other form of indecent dressings on the streets in the name of fashion? We don’t have to judge. I am not going to judge people because the bible says “Don’t judge.

” I only pray that God visits them one day because we don’t know what they are going through mentally. You don’t know what really informs them how to dress the way they do. I am not going to judge any- body but can only pray to God to visit them.

Are you a Christian? I am living around the Ojo area Yes, I am a Christian..

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