
Sudesh Berry has stepped into the role of Amarjeet Talwar in ' Vanshaj ' and has brought a new turn to the storyline. Portraying the charismatic and ruthless patriarch of the Talwar family , Amarjeet's character is marked by his luxurious lifestyle and authoritative decision-making abilities. He has a restless nature, coupled with deep-seated wounds from a past betrayal involving his sister Shalini (Mona Wasu).

In a candid conversation, Sudesh Berry shares his experiences and the complexities of portraying the character. My character in Vanshaj is a cheerful, fun-loving individual who approaches life with a positive attitude. Despite his carefree nature, he's very focused and successful in business, with a strong emphasis on maintaining relationships and helping those in need.

I was drawn to this role because it felt like a perfect fit for me—playing someone who is bold, I could really connect with the character. It's the unique portrayal of Amarjeet that sets him apart. The way I bring him to life is what makes a difference, it's my interpretation of the character that adds a distinct flavor.

Although my character was initially named Yash, the name was later given to Shaleen, who plays my nephew. I believe that, as an actor, it’s crucial to love and immerse yourself in your role. For me, the essence of acting is not about the specific role but how you embody and deliver it.

Yes, I see a lot of myself in Amarjeet. He has qualities that I admire, like his strong leadership and his ability to enjoy life while still being serious about his work. Amarjeet’s loyalty to his family and his charismatic personality are traits I relate to.

These similarities helped me portray him more naturally and understand his character better, making my performance feel more authentic. The fight between the Mahajans and Talwars is going to get much bigger. With the Talwars entering the scene, the conflict will heat up and become more dramatic.

We’ll see more clashes, strategic moves, and intense moments between the two families. This will make the story more thrilling and full of surprises, as the rivalry drives the plot forward with escalating stakes. The audience response to my character has been very positive.

I’m deeply grateful for their enthusiasm and encouragement. Their feedback motivates me to continue delivering my best. Puneet Issar is a wonderful person to work with.

We’ve collaborated on a TV show and a film before and his presence on set is always uplifting and energizing. He’s focused, fit, and has a magnetic personality. Working with him on Vanshaj has been a great experience, and I believe our combined efforts will make a significant impact on the show.


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