Karishma Mehta, founder and CEO of Humans of Bombay, recently announced that she is selling all her luxury leather goods as she embraces a cruelty-free approach to fashion starting this year. Mehta said she has decided to stop the purchase of leather of any kind and also, sell all the leather items she owns, the proceeds of which will go towards animal welfare NGOs. The Mumbai -based entrepreneur posted photos of her luxury shoes and bags on Instagram on Wednesday.
The photos revealed her collection of Gucci , Louis Vuitton, Prada, Yves Saint Lauren (YSL) and Fendi bags and shoes. "As a vegetarian, I won’t eat meat because it doesn’t sit right with me to consume a living being. How then can it sit well with me to partake in a market that prides itself on being “luxury” by levying their premium-ness on the quality of animal being skinned?" she said in the post.
Take a look at her post: A post shared by Karishma Mehta🇮🇳 (@karimehta05) Mehta, who founded Humans of Bombay (HOB) in 2014, has interviewed people from all walks of life for her hugely popular online storytelling platform that has over 2.8 million followers on Instagram. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and industrialist Ratan Tata are among the personalities she has interviewed on her platform.
Last year, Mehta was at the centre of a controversy after Brandon Stanton, the founder of Humans of New York (HONY), accused her of copying its format. His remarks came after HOB filed a copyright infringement case in.