Hrithik Roshan has shared a carousel of pictures as his girlfriend Saba Azad clocked her 39th birthday. Taking to Instagram, Hrithik also posted selfies as they spent time together doing fun activities while travelling. (Also Read | Hrithik Roshan meets ‘Jadu’ who camped outside his home for days, drenched in blue paint; fans say ‘mehnat rang lai’ ) Hrithik's birthday post for Saba In a photo, the duo took a walk as they posed for a selfie.
The next picture showed them feasting on a croissant. Their happiness knew no bounds as they went shopping for socks. The duo also spent some time amid nature as they went cycling and posed amid greenery.
In a photo, Saba Azad was seen hugging Hrithik from behind as they posed for the camera. The couple also hugged a tree. Hrithik and Saba also made sure to click a selfie as they had ice-cream.
They also smiled and posed in another selfie as they stepped out for dinner. The last picture showed Saba smiling with her eyes closed as she tilted her head back. A post shared by Hrithik Roshan (@hrithikroshan) Sussanne wishes ex-husband's GF Sharing the photos, Hrithik captioned the post, "Happy Birthday Sa (red heart emoji).
Thank you for you (woman and man dancing emojis). 1.11.
2024." He also tagged Saba. Reacting to the post, Hrithik's ex-wife Sussanne Khan wrote, "Happy Birthday Saboo.
" Pashmina Roshan said, "Cutest." Farhan Akhtar commented, "Happy Birthday Saba..
have the best one yet." Zoya Akhtar's comment read, "Happy Birthday Sab.