If your clothes are on hangers and not in a heap on the floor, you might not often think about our hangers. However, it turns out what you use to hang clothing makes a big difference, both to the lasting organization of your closet and to the longevity of your clothes, with wire hangers being the worst offenders for ruining garments – even if their slim profile makes them a shoe-in saving space. But how do wire hangers damage your clothes? And what can you use instead to organize a closet that isn’t too bulky? Here, organizers and stylists share the answers.
Organizing clothes isn’t too tricky when you have the right tools, be it the best hangers to keep them in shape, or handy drawer dividers (available at Walmart) . Wire hangers might help to limit bulk and weight on a clothes rail, but they are one of the worst ways to aesthetically organize a closet , not to mention that they misshape garments and can lead to items slipping, quickly causing closet chaos. Here’s why they should be avoided.
1. They misshape delicate fabrics So far as clothes storage ideas go, wire hangers have the highest risk of misshaping your clothes as they sag under the weight of the fabric, explains Maria Henderson, organizing expert at Henfield Storage . ‘Garments that are made of delicate fabrics or those that are bulky such as suits and coats may have distorted shoulders or sagging, as these wire hangers might not be able to provide the clothes adequate support.
’ Once a wire hanger has .