
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 U.S. Travel Association’s Commission on Seamless and Secure Travel gathered last week for a two-day session aimed at revolutionizing the travel process and enhancing the United States’ competitiveness in the global travel market.

The Commission’s itinerary included a tour of Washington Dulles International Airport with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials and a visit to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Systems Integration Facility near Reagan National Airport, accompanied by TSA Administrator David Pekoske.

In addition to these site visits, the Commission engaged in discussions with the U.S. Travel’s Airport and Airlines Advisory Group and other key industry leaders.

These discussions focused on integrating valuable insights and forming potential recommendations for their forthcoming report, set to be released this fall. “CBP and TSA are taking important steps to improve the travel process, and we commend their efforts,” said Geoff Freeman, President and CEO of U.S.

Travel Association . “It’s clear that decades of underinvestment from Congress, combined with a lack of coordination at the federal level, has left these agencies in a pinch. With the World Cup and Summer Olympics around the corner, the time for federal leadership and investment in innovative initiatives and technologies is now.

” “Thank you to CBP and TSA for hosting the Commission over two days. These meetings were incredibly insightful as we work to develop recommendations to improve the travel process,” said Kevin McAleenan, Chairman of the Commission on Seamless and Secure Travel . “It’s clear technology is rapidly developing and progress is being made, but more significant investments now could accelerate technology deployment and greatly improve security.

” “We were delighted to welcome our partners from U.S. Travel and the Commission on Seamless and Secure Travel to the TSIF, where we test new and emerging checkpoint technologies in a live environment,” said TSA Administrator David Pekoske .

“Their support is invaluable in our mutual goal of boosting security effectiveness, efficiency and the overall customer experience.” Since its inception in January, the U.S.

Travel Association’s Commission has actively engaged with both government and industry partners in key cities such as Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas, as well as internationally in the United Kingdom. The commission was established in response to a Euromonitor International survey that revealed the United States ranked 17th out of 18 major economies in travel competitiveness. This concerning ranking highlights the need for significant improvements, especially as the U.

S. gears up to host major global events, including the FIFA World Cup in 2026, the Summer Olympics in 2028, and the Winter Olympics in 2034. In light of these upcoming events, the Commission is diligently working on formulating recommendations to enhance the travel process and bolster the U.

S.’s position in the global travel market. These recommendations are expected to be released this fall, aiming to address the current challenges and pave the way for a more competitive and efficient travel infrastructure.


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