
Sign up for a garden walk with the Marin Master Gardeners and get some tips on how to make your garden more water-efficient. (Photo by Pam Polite Fisco) Native plants, like Cleveland sage, not only tend to use less water, but they also support our local pollinators. (Photo by Rosaline Gould) Native plants, like monkey flower, have evolved to thrive in our climate and tend to require less water than exotic plants.

(Photo by Gail Mason) Drip emitters are one of the most water-efficient methods of irrigation. (Photo by Linda Varonin) Sign up for a garden walk with the Marin Master Gardeners and get some tips on how to make your garden more water-efficient. (Photo by Pam Polite Fisco) Howdy, Marin gardeners! We all love our little patches of paradise, whether it’s a veggie garden, a bunch of fragrant herbs or a bed full of California wildflowers.

But let’s face it: Water’s as precious as gold here in Marin, and, with the way our weather’s been, we’ve got to be smart about how we use it. So, we’re here to share some friendly advice on how you can keep your garden looking lush without sending your water bill through the roof. Let’s dive right in, shall we? • Mulch: your garden’s best friend.

First things first: If you’re not mulching, you’re missing out. Mulch is like a cozy quilt for your garden beds, keeping the soil nice and cool while locking in that precious moisture. The folks at the Marin Master Gardeners say mulch can cut down water evaporation by a whopping 70%.

Just make sure you’re using the right kind of mulch — like composted wood chips — and keep it away from your house and wooden structures. Fire-safe gardening is smart gardening. • Water when the sun’s sleeping.

Timing’s everything. If you water when the sun’s blazing high in the sky, you’re just wasting a whole lot of good water to evaporation. The smart way to do it, as the experts tell us, is to water early in the morning or later in the evening.

That way, your plants get the most out of every drop, and you don’t have to keep refilling that watering can. • Plant native and thrive. If you’re looking to save water, one of the best tricks in the book is planting natives.

These local beauties are already adapted to Marin’s Mediterranean climate, which means they don’t need as much water to stay happy. Think California poppies, manzanitas, and ceanothus — our very own California lilac. The Marin Master Gardeners will tell you that when you go native, you’re not just saving water; you’re also making a home for bees, butterflies and all sorts of critters.

It’s like turning your garden into a mini wildlife sanctuary. • Drip, drip, drip your way to savings. Remember those old-school sprinklers? Well, it’s time to say goodbye to the waste and hello to drip irrigation.

This system is like giving your plants a drink straight from the bottle — no splashing, no wasting, just good, efficient watering. The Marin Municipal Water District’s got all sorts of resources to help you get started, including rebates to make the switch easier on your wallet. And once you’ve got it going, you can sit back, relax and listen to that sweet sound of water going right where it’s needed.

• Catch that rain. We may not get a ton of rain here in Marin, but when we do, you’d better be ready to catch it. Installing a rain barrel is like having a savings account for water — you store it up during the wet season and use it when things get dry.

Even a small barrel can save you hundreds of gallons over the year. And don’t worry, these modern rain barrels are designed to keep out mosquitoes and other pests, so you’re all set for safe watering down the road. • Take a Marin Water Walk.

Want to see these water-saving tips in action? Well, grab your hat and sign up for a Marin Water Walk. These fun, guided tours, led by experts from the Marin Master Gardeners, take you through your garden to show you how you might save more water. To join a Marin Water Walk, go to marinmg.

ucanr.edu/ASK_US/GARDENWALKS . Spots fill up fast, so don’t dilly-dally.

It’s a great way to meet other garden-loving folks, get inspired and learn how to make your garden a water-saving superstar. So there you have it, neighbors — tips to keep your garden green and your water usage low. Remember, every drop counts, and, with a little care and know-how, you can keep your slice of Marin looking beautiful all year long.

Sponsored by UC Cooperative Extension, the University of California Marin Master Gardeners provides science- and research-based information for Marin home gardeners. Email questions to [email protected].

Attach photos for inquiries about plant pests or diseases. Please call 415-473-4910 to see when a master gardener will be at the office or drop off samples 24/7 in the sample box outside the office. To attend a gardening workshop or subscribe to Leaflet, a free quarterly e-newsletter, go to marinmg.

ucanr.edu ..

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