
Rain barrels are incredibly useful, turning rainfall into reliable, clean, free water that can keep your plants nourished during drought and reduce your water bill. However, rain barrels often contain a large amount of still water, creating the perfect conditions for algae to thrive. Algae love to bloom in still water, and this can make your water smell, detracting from your garden and entertaining spaces.

If the problem goes too far, it can clog your barrel, making it tricky to remove water, and in the worst cases scenario, a miniature flood in your yard. Here, I share tips on how to prevent algae in a rain barrel , to keep your water source algae-free and clean, and also reveal the one common error to avoid that can kill your plants. 1.

Regular use The simplest way to keep algae from forming in your rain barrel is to use it regularly. Algae typically develop in standing water, so the simple act of using your rain barrel will result in movement in the surface of the water and prevent algae from forming. Even if you fill a little watering can every few days, you'll drop the water level in the barrel and keep it moving, helping to prevent algae growth.

2. Keep the barrel out of sunlight Algae photosynthesize, so cutting them off from sunlight will help to prevent them from growing. The easiest way to do that is by using a rain barrel with a lid - just shut the lid tight and the lack of sunlight will help to stop algae from growing.

This has the added benefit of stopping algae .

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