
1x1x1x1 phenomenon has been a part of the community ever since an account for it first appeared in 2007. Although its creation has been plagued with mysterious origins, it’s beginning to take shape as the new formidable boss. In this guide, we’ll show you how to defeat the 1x1x1x1 boss in the event, earning you an exclusive reward.

Where to find 1x1x1x1 boss in Roblox The Games event Before we explain how to take down the 1x1x1x1 boss in the event, we’ll go over how to find it first. Log into the event server and look around for the boss’ main hub. It’ll be near one of .

You don’t have to worry too much about preparation, as the game will provide you with the necessary tools to defeat it. However, it will take a few seconds to transport you to the boss’ lair, including an additional waiting period once you arrive. Roblox The Games 1x1x1x1 boss guide After entering the boss’ hub, you’ll be given a .

These tools will prove essential to the 1x1x1x1 character’s defeat, but you must use them wisely. First, jump on the circular platform to begin the boss fight. If there’s already a battle in session, you’ll need to wait your turn and participate in the next round.

The first phase will prompt an invulnerable state for the 1x1x1x1 boss, where the Rocket Launcher and Super Ball will be ineffective. To counter this, walk through white orbs to inflict damage on the enemy. With enough hits, the enemy should let their guard down once they put their arms down.

The opponent will do this a few times, so target those white orbs whenever they appear again. Use the Rocket Launcher and Super Ball any time the 1x1x1x1 boss places its arms down. However, you should also be mindful of the surrounding area, bringing out damaging tornados and black holes.

The ground will also break apart and reassemble over time to make it more challenging. You’ll know when certain sections are about to fall when they appear darker than others. Make sure to stand on the ones that have their regular light-gray color.

Even though it’ll be difficult, I highly suggest avoiding death as much as possible. Once you die, it’s basically game over, and you won’t be able to re-join the current match. That means you must wait for the next round and start all over again.

Fortunately, you’ll have a team of other players to help you in the fight. The 1x1x1x1 boss’ health bar will also be presented above to keep track of its current status. Work together and use these tips to claim your final prize.

At the center of the platform, you’ll find the Glitch Guardian Laurel head accessory after the boss fight. It should be noted that the accessory will not appear if you have died during the match or are a spectator. As long as you survived the challenge (stayed within the circular platform), the reward should appear at the main stage.

Additionally, 30 Silver will be offered as another gift, linking to in the event..

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