
Bengaluru: Stepping into most cafes in Bengaluru, one is immediately greeted not just by the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee, but also by the sight of delicate designs adorning lattes and cappuccinos. The secret behind this caffeinated artwork? Freshly brewed espresso meeting velvety steamed milk, intertwining to create not just a beverage, but a canvas for art. Every barista brewing coffee in the city is a skilled latte artist, says Teja Achar, a seasoned barista trainer.

“We (baristas) learn latte art to honour the pride of coffee. It is our way of giving something back to the coffee community,” he says. Speaking about his first time learning latte art, Achar explains: “Coffee is an essential part of almost every Bengalurean’s life.

When we create latte art, it enhances the overall coffee-drinking experience. Latte art isn’t just about aesthetics, it’s about elevating the sensory journey. Customers find that latte art adds an extra layer of enjoyment to their coffee.

It fosters a sense of connection and engagement between a barista and their customer.” To create these captivating latte art designs, baristas start by brewing a shot of espresso as the base. Meanwhile, they steam milk to achieve the perfect texture — microfoam with velvety consistency.

With the canvas set, the barista pours milk into the espresso, skilfully manipulating the flow to create a smooth base. Then, with practised finesse, they pour the milk in a precise manner, gradually raising .

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