A bereaved daughter has shared a touching story about how Delta Air Lines helped her say her final goodbyes to her dying mother. Hannah White reported in a now-viral TikTok — which has garnered 10.3 million views and 1.
9 million likes — that the carrier made it possible for her to see her mom just one day before she passed . Her mom, Kathleen Nelson, was in the hospital for undiagnosed pneumonia and was “doing well” after surgery, she wrote on the video. But then she got a call from her brother informing her that her mother’s body had gone into septic shock and “family needed to visit her immediately.
” “Doctors did not know what was wrong or how long she had,” White said. She immediately booked the first flight out of Dallas the following day, which had a connection in Minneapolis, to get to Bismarck Municipal Airport in North Dakota. The timing of the connecting flight would have been fine, but the plane from Dallas had mechanical issues and they sat on the plane at Dallas Fort Worth airport for over an hour, she explained.
“I knew if I didn’t make my connecting flight I wouldn’t see my mom until the following day and we weren’t sure she’d be alive,” White shared. White explained the situation to a flight attendant and asked if there was anything that she could do to make sure she got on the connecting flight to see her mother. Flight attendant Eva Ortiz, CNN reported , returned to White’s seat and told her that unfortunately, she was going to.