
Since the 2024-25 Federal Budget , news on changes to Paid Parental Leave has been a fairly hot topic in Australia . The Centrelink support payment is a hugely important one, and if you’re wondering what you can expect should you ever need to use Parental Leave Pay (or maternity leave) services, here’s a quick guide. To begin, you’ll need to ensure you’re eligible for this Centrelink support payment.

There are different rules based on when your child was born or adopted, so read the below carefully. For a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023: Per Services Australia, Centrelink’s Parental Leave Pay is available if you meet the below. You must: For a child born or adopted from 1 July 2023: You must meet the following criteria, per Services Australia.

You can read more about eligibility for this support payment here . For a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023: Parental Leave Pay in Australia is currently based on the national minimum wage. At present, you will receive $882.

75 per week or $176.55 a day before tax. This payment is available for the following period, per Services Australia: In total, this brings us to 100 available days of Paid Parental Leave through Centrelink.

For a child born or adopted from 1 July 2023: Presently, you can receive $882.75 per week, or $176.55 a day before tax (the same as prior to July 2023).

This payment is available for the following period, per Services Australia : It’s worth noting that if you have a multiple birth (more.

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