
"There must be provision for the child to have contact with nature; to understand and appreciate the order, the harmony and the beauty in nature." — Dr. Maria Montessori Upon entering a Mon-tessori environment, you may notice an abundance of plants along with a classroom pet or two.

Care of the environment is an integral part of the practical life curriculum in Montessori. Caring for animals in our classrooms is one way for children to take ownership of the environment in which they spend their time on a daily basis. It also allows students to become aware that they can make a difference in the world around them.

When observing children as part of her early childhood education research, Maria Montessori noticed that children gained immense satisfaction from caring for living things. Care of the environment, including the care of animals, is part of the practical life curriculum and an important part of Montessori education. This is why our classrooms at Creative Minds Montessori have been homes to a variety of animals, including fish, bunnies, tortoises, bearded dragons, baby ducks, butterfl ies and toads — to name a few.

Here at CMMS, we value caring for animals. In our classrooms you can find a variety of animal life, depending on the season. From teaching responsibility and empathy to providing unique hands-on learning opportunities, classroom pets become invaluable members of our educational community.

These small companions off er children the chance to engage with nature and learn about biology in an interactive and personal way, enhancing their understanding of the world around them while also supporting their emotional and social development. So, how does caring for animals support learning in the Montessori classroom? 1. When caring for pets, children learn how to express love, empathy, compassion and respect for other living things.

This is part of cosmic education — a cornerstone of the Montessori philosophy, which teaches the interconnectedness of all things. 2. Having pets to care for helps students learn responsibility and gain self-confidence.

Whether remembering to feed the pet on time or clean after it, children enjoy taking care of their little friends while learning how to be responsible and empowered. 3. Learning grace and courtesy in the way they treat animals helps children extend those concepts to their interactions with others.

Children get to practice using gentle touches with animals by petting them softly and treating them respectfully. 4. Having animals in the classroom allows children to develop the skills they'll need when studying science and other school subjects in the future.

For example, students get to observe the animal's habits, grow in curiosity, ask questions, look for clues, make hypotheses and find answers. At Creative Minds Montessori School, we believe that integrating animals into our learning environment enriches our curriculum and fosters a range of essential life skills in our students. From teaching responsibility and empathy to providing unique hands-on learning opportunities, classroom pets become invaluable members of our educational community.

It's a win-win! Diane M. Bauso is head of school for Creative Minds Montessori School, 169 Genesee St., Auburn.

She can be reached at (315) 4069495 or auburncmms.com . Get local news delivered to your inbox!.

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