
Always check your passport closely before booking your next holiday. A mum in the UK learned this lesson the hard way, when she was forced to leave her husband behind at the airport and fly alone with her two kids. It turns out, his passport didn't comply with new travel rules that they had no idea about.

Watch the video above. Beth Turbutt-Rogers, who goes by @budgetingmumofficial on TikTok , posted a video about the ordeal, calling it "the most stressful trip". READ MORE: Eight common passport mistakes to avoid for smooth and stress-free travel The family checked in online for their flight from the UK to Spain, with no issues.

However, when they got to the airport, her husband Matt was prohibited from being able to travel.  "They told us his passport had expired, even though the expiration date was March 2025, meaning there were eight months left," she said in the video. However, thanks to a new rule, his passport became invalid in June of this year.

READ MORE: These are the world's most physically demanding landmarks Since Matt's UK passport was issued in June 2014, it technically expired in June 2024 under the new legislation. The rules changed in 2020 when Britain officially left the European Union, but some travellers didn't notice. According to the BBC , the majority of EU countries no longer accept British passports that were issued more than 10 years before the date of travel.

"I had to fly with a 3- and 4-year-old on my own. Flying without Matt was like flying without my right arm," the video creator said in her now-viral TikTok. "He's the one who makes sure we're at the right place at the right time and does all the grown-up stuff while I watch after the kids," she added.

While some commenters were aware of the rule, some people were perplexed by Matt being unable to fly. "What's the point of them giving us these expiry dates then," one person said. Matt was actually able to fly to Spain the next day on a different airline which honoured the original expiry date on his passport - adding more confusion to the situation.

"What does jet2 allow it and Ryanair doesn't? One of them is doing something wrong," wrote a viewer. READ MORE: These are the best beaches in Fiji - if you want to try the 'Blue Mind Theory' For Aussies, we need to have at least six months left on our passports to enter many countries, so it's good to renew your document well before its listed expiry date.  You'll also need to make sure it's in tip-top condition: no rips, tears, or mould.

Some countries also require at least 2-3 blank pages, so ensure that it's not full before you set off. .

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