
Aries (March 20 – April 19) Everybody, including you, complains about the confusion triggered by the period when Mercury is retrograde. Finally, it’s coming to an end and those frequent unexpected events will become a springboard for rethinking certain arrangements. The challenge? Getting others to agree to changes without pointless discussion.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) As a practical earth sign, long ago you learned that while you can not only enjoy discussing plans with others, often they will have worthwhile advice to offer. However, others are insistent about their ideas’ value, despite your explanations why they won’t work. The solution? Should they raise these again, change the subject.

Gemini ( May 21 – June 20) Even those who are not into the details of astrology are aware of the period when your own ruling planet, Mercury, is retrograde, or appears to be moving backwards in the heavens. That’s been the case since early August and it ends now. Still, be cautious.

Those mistakes and errors won’t vanish overnight. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Every once in a while, you find yourself surprised not only by the ups and downs of others’ moods, but that they don’t seem be aware of, or care, that these could cause others upset. Tempting as it is to discuss this, think again.

Not everybody understands such ups and downs as well as you do. Leo (July 23 – August 22) You may already be aware of the cycle of questioning, analysis and change events are triggering. Tempting as it is to deal with matters swiftly, take it slowly.

You’ll not only realise that you are short of facts, once you learn more, you will realise how wise this slow-paced approach was. Virgo (August 23 – September 22) You don’t think of yourself as sentimental and it’s true, as a practical earth sign, you know where to draw the line. However, you also tend to be soft-hearted and will give those who are struggling a hand.

In a word, don’t. Judging by the current planetary setup, you’d regret it. Libra (September 23 – October 22) Only days ago, you and others were discussing certain potentially tricky situations.

As a Libra, you’re undoubtedly more aware than others these could get complicated. Raising them and talking things over is another matter entirely. Muster your courage to speak up.

Ultimately, you’ll be glad you did. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) When you make a plan, it’s usually after considerable thought and investigation. However, judging by the current swift pace, you have little time to ask even simple questions.

The solution? Begin with the first question and keep asking until you’re satisfied you’ve learned enough. Sagittarius ( November 22 – December 21) Over the years, you have met a lot of people and gone to a wide range of places, many of which have become a part of your life. While many still fit in perfectly, others need to change if not go.

Begin by exploring your options. Some will be as appealing as they are unexpected. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) Long ago you realised that, as fond as you are of certain individuals, their tendency to regard even simple plans as more of an experiment that anything lasting would drive you crazy.

Now, to your surprise, you are actually enjoying the many twists and turns they are bringing into your life, and on a regular basis. Aquarius (January 20 – February 17) As an Aquarius, you have an amazing knack for spotting those who enjoy boasting about their skills but who, when actually faced with taking things over, suddenly vanish. That’s exactly what you are facing now.

While it’s unfair, you’re better off shouldering the full responsibility for what hasn’t been done or dealt with. Pisces (February 18 – March 19) Long ago, you recognised that certain individuals tend to over-dramatise tricky situations for the fun of it, but don’t want others’ help or support. However, somebody you are currently dealing with doesn’t just love passing the responsibility to others, they have you in mind.

Be tough. It’s the only solution. The link between Venus, which accents all of life’s beauties and its pleasures, from passions to possessions, and Pluto, the planet of truth and transformation, indicates not merely insights, but life-changing encounters or experiences.

While some will be immediately recognisable for what they are, others will be puzzling. But, ultimately, each will add something magical to your life..

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