
Yes, you’re looking for friends with benefits, Gemini ! Friends who want to wake up at the crack of dawn, explore the fairy forests and sing medicinal songs with you by the lake. Friends who bring out the best in you and support you in the beautiful journey of ascension and evolution. Let’s talk patterns, Leo .

Whether it’s on the personal front or in your professional life, certain behaviours and routines have a way of repeating themselves. Some of these habits have helped you reach where you are now, while others might be holding you back. Take a moment to identify recurring themes and ask yourself which ones are serving you and which ones need to be re-examined.

Pisces , you’re a nurturer at heart. But, it’s essential to turn some of that loving energy inward. Create a routine that feels luxurious and rejuvenating.

Whether it’s a morning ritual of meditation and movement, an evening soak in a bath filled with essential oils, or simply taking time to enjoy a cup of herbal tea, make self-care a non-negotiable part of your day. So, what does the day ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out. Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon, and rising.

Pick what resonates with you the most! Aries Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 As you navigate this week, allow the plan to unfold naturally. Resist the urge to control every detail and instead, and begin to trust flow. The universe has a way of guiding you towards the right path, even if it doesn’t make sense in the moment.

Remember, embracing uncertainty is an integral part of the transformation process. That said, you’re also being encouraged to adopt a beginner’s mindset. To move through life with an open mind and heart as you perceive everything around through a fresh lens.

Cosmic tip: The best is yet to come, beautiful! Taurus Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 Here’s a little something from your July 2024 soulscope to reflect upon as you begin the day: “You know it, Taurus! You know in your heart of hearts that the universe wants you to grow. That the universe wants you to live your best, most expanded life—now! Why then are you limiting yourself, beautiful? Why then are you holding onto the story of scarcity with all your might? The blue moon is offering you the sacred opportunity to rewrite the script—to call in the abundance you truly desire and deserve.” The best thing you can do for yourself is to say “yes” to growth and to give yourself the permission to colour the canvas of your life in the brightest of colours.

As author Anaïs Nin puts it, life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. Cosmic tip: Say “yes” to life! Gemini Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 Yes, you’re looking for friends with benefits, Gemini! Friends who want to wake up at the crack of dawn, explore the fairy forests and sing medicinal songs with you by the lake. Friends who bring out the best in you and support you in the beautiful journey of ascension and evolution.

No, you’re not looking for “casual”. You’re looking for deep, you’re looking for soulful, you’re looking for magical! And if a romantic partner is what you’re seeking, look no further than your soul circle. Cosmic tip: It’s all about connecting with your rainbow tribe this week! Cancer Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 This week, the universe is urging you to reclaim the reins and steer the chariot of your life towards your higher purpose.

Take some time to reflect on what truly lights you up and makes you feel alive. Your dharma is all about aligning with your soul’s mission and living a life that feels authentically *you*. So, trust your intuition and let it guide you towards your true path.

That said, co-creating with tribe members is showing up as an important theme. We’re talking about the kind of people who will support you, inspire you, and help you stay focused on your journey. PS: You have miles to go before you sleep! Cosmic tip: Stay committed to your path and trust the process.

Leo Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 Let’s talk patterns, Leo. Whether it’s on the personal front or in your professional life, certain behaviours and routines have a way of repeating themselves. Some of these habits have helped you reach where you are now, while others might be holding you back.

Take a moment to identify recurring themes and ask yourself which ones are serving you and which ones need to be let go of. If you’re currently in the process of transformation, remember that “patience” is key. So, be kind to yourself, celebrate the breakthroughs, and approach what feels like a trigger with openness and curiosity rather than frustration.

Cosmic tip: Slow and steady, beautiful. Virgo Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 Here’s the thing, Virgo: it’s natural to have hopes and desires in any relationship, but sometimes, setting the bar too high can lead to disappointment. Reflect on the expectations you have from your friends, family, and partners.

Are they realistic? Are they based on who these people truly are, or who you wish they would be? Managing expectations starts with open and honest communication. Share your needs and desires clearly, but also be willing to listen to the other person’s needs. Remember, acceptance is an integral part of this process.

Understand that people are unique and come with their own sets of strengths, weaknesses *and* quirks. Embrace the differences and focus on the positive qualities that each person brings to the table. Remember, this isn’t about lowering your standards—it’s about appreciating the essence of who they are.

Cosmic tip: Today, you’re being asked to rethink your expectations. Libra Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 What your higher self is whispering right now: have fun with everything and be attached to nothing—including metaphorical darkness. That’s right, beautiful! The trials and tribulations are behind you—and the light at the end of the tunnel will soon reveal itself.

Honour the invitation to look at your journey and the world around you with a fresh perspective. That said, you’re also being encouraged to try something new, something different. Explore a hobby, travel to a place that’s not been on your map, dive into a topic you’re curious about, or simply take a different route to work.

Oh, the things you will discover about yourself when you step outside of your comfort zone, Libra! Cosmic tip: It’s time to groove differently. Scorpio Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 Scorpio, the one thing you know is that you know nothing at all. And so, you’re willing to take your chances.

You’re willing to do things differently, knowing fully well that the path less trodden is the one that will take you to the desired destination. That said, you are also being reminded of your own manifestation abilities, which are heightened at the moment. Make a conscious effort to appreciate what you have—what is coming to fruition—as you clarify your intentions for what you want to call in.

Wise words by Abraham Hicks to remember as you move through this chapter of your life, “It doesn’t take time. It just takes alignment.” Cosmic tip: You’re willing to do things differently, knowing fully well that the path less trodden is the one that will take you to the desired destination.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 Today, the cards are urging you to become aware of your inner dialogue. To notice how you may be giving your own mind mixed signals. For instance, if a romantic partner is what you’re seeking, it doesn’t serve you to say “love is forever evading me!” Now apply the same formula to every aspect of your life, whether it’s personal growth or professional success.

What the cards are reminding you: it is your thoughts and words and feelings that are forever creating your reality. Cosmic tip: Sagittarius, it’s time to get in alignment with your deepest desires! Capricorn Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 Here’s the thing, Capricorn: Sometimes, we hold on too tightly to people, situations, or things because we fear change or loss. But clinging to the past can prevent us from experiencing growth and calling in new opportunities.

This week, practice letting go. Remember, detachment doesn’t mean you don’t care—it means that you trust the flow of life. It’s about knowing that everything has its time and place, and the willingness to move forward when that time is over.

This perspective can bring about a sense of peace and freedom, allowing you to navigate life with greater ease. Capricorn: Endings don’t always have to be bitter. Aquarius Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 Think of this way, Aquarius: you are a spiritual being having a human experience.

By perceiving your reality from a higher perspective, you will understand that the “good” and the “bad” are a part of this package. The challenges and the difficulties we face are not always pleasant, but they are necessary for our growth. In other words, the universe knows exactly what we need in order to evolve to the next level of our consciousness.

Instead of resisting the ickiness and stickiness synonymous with the growth process, learn to be present to it. Give thanks for the seemingly unpleasant experiences as well. At the same time, stay connected to your inner oracle and trust the guidance that you are receiving at every moment.

Cosmic tip: Move beyond “the good” and “the bad”. Pisces Horoscope Today: July 23, 2024 Pisces, you’re a nurturer at heart. But, it’s essential to turn some of that loving energy inward.

Create a routine that feels luxurious and rejuvenating. Whether it’s a morning ritual of meditation and movement, an evening soak in a bath filled with essential oils, or simply taking time to enjoy a cup of herbal tea, make self-care a non-negotiable part of your day. What’s more, the cosmic weather is also encouraging you to have fun in your apothecary.

Consider setting a special space where you can store your favourite herbs, crystals, oils and other magickal ingredients. Think of it as your sacred spot for concocting lotions, potions, tinctures and salves as you embrace that creative flow. PS: Listening to soothing music will also prove to be all kinds of therapeutic.

Cosmic tip: Prioritise your self-care rituals and have fun in your apothecary..

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