
OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes. Read on to see what’s written in the stars for you today. ♈ ARIES March 21 to April 20 Rebirth planet Pluto can take a bond back to its best days for friends, family or love affairs.

But your most important task is to let feelings lead you. Don’t be sidetracked by practical concerns. Venus wants to make passion plans – if you are putting obstacles in the way, ask yourself why.

Get all the latest Aries horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions ♉ TAURUS April 21 to May 21 You are extra-sensitive, thanks to Neptune – don’t be tempted to brush aside any sudden second thoughts, especially linked to friends, or workmates. You may be picking up on undercurrents that need attention. Later, your day is all about what success means to you, as Pluto sharpens your focus on the future.

Get all the latest Taurus horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions ♊ GEMINI May 22 to June 21 As the moon and rebel Uranus are in opposition, you could be pulled in two directions at work. Yet deep down, you know neither might be the right path. Now you can address this, with success.

Passion has a foundation of trust that is priceless, so don’t let outside opinions weaken this base. ♋ CANCER June 22 to July 22 Your chart of reaching out is so vibrant all day. Instead of expecting rejection, keep an open mind, and say what you know you need to say.

What happens next can be a surprise. You are naturally creative, and can see solutions even in the most long-lasting set of problems. The luck factor circles your birth number.

Get all the latest Cancer horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions ♌ LEO July 23 to August 23 Get key home-based choices done and dusted in the morning – later you will need all your energy for a creative challenge. When you show that you can lead with patience and honesty, a team that’s been on the point of splitting up can stick even closer together. A new baby’s name, or weight, can be a Leo luck link.

Get all the latest Leo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions ♍ VIRGO August 24 to September 22 Your day could start with some unwanted travel or learning tweaks but getting these out of the way frees you up for the fun to come. If you are in a relationship, what you say and do today really matters, so try not to pretend you don’t care. If you are single, the way your soulmate says your name is unforgettable.

Get all the latest Virgo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions ♎ LIBRA September 23 to October 23 A cash sum may seem beyond your dreams but your chart is working hard to make it happen. Play your part by getting all the practical work done for a fun challenge. Someone special is watching to see how you manage your time and money.

Neptune softens fitness goals and you see how strong you can be. Get all the latest Libra horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below. ♏ SCORPIO October 24 to November 22 This morning is your moment to get your name on an impressive list but leave room for advice and support.

It’s fine to manage solo, but connecting with others is a key driver of your current chart – by tonight, you will understand why. The luck factor calls again at a house with a blue-painted door. Get all the latest Scorpio horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions ♐ SAGITTARIUS November 23 to December 21 No one knows you as well as you know yourself – keep this in mind when faced with a love choice.

A personal moon matches up with strong planet learning energy – you may not like what you decide to do, but you sense it’s the right move for you. The luck factor is strongest where questions come thick and fast. Get all the latest Sagittarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions ♑ CAPRICORN December 22 to January 20 Friends and money can make a tricky combination, so beware of feeling forced into a “yes” when you know you want to say “no”.

It’s not your role to make everything better for everyone. Sometimes the strongest move is simply to let go. Love is on the move, and a travel companion has something to say.

Get all the latest Capricorn horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions ♒ AQUARIUS January 21 to February 18 The more unusual a home idea, the more air time you should give it. Up-for-anything planet Uranus is strong in your chart and recommending moves that may feel strange at first. Yet soon you start to see the light – and it’s so bright.

Love is about feelings – letting these show strengthens a vulnerable part of you. Get all the latest Aquarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions ♓ PISCES February 19 to March 20 Changes that Pluto sets in motion in the morning can be up and running by tonight – let yourself believe in better and resist blaming or shaming anyone else. Stay positive and positive things can happen.

Venus keeps love, and lovers, connected underneath, even when the surface seems challenging. Get all the latest Pisces horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions.

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