
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) reached impressive heights in 2024, propelled by the introduction of its three-runway system. December capped the year with a 12.5% year-on-year increase in flight movements, totaling 33,550 for the month.

On some days, daily flight activity even surpassed pre-pandemic records, signaling a remarkable comeback for one of the world’s busiest aviation hubs. Passenger traffic surged in December, with 5.1 million travelers passing through HKIA, reflecting an 18.

3% increase compared to December 2023. Growth was widespread across all segments, with standout increases in travel to and from Southeast Asia, Mainland China, and Japan. This recovery underscores HKIA’s resilience and its role as a central gateway for regional and international travelers.

Cargo volumes also experienced robust growth, with December 2024 throughput rising 6.6% year-on-year to 446,000 tonnes. Exports led the way, posting a 6.

8% increase. Significant growth was recorded in cargo traffic to and from key markets in Europe, the Middle East, and Australasia, reflecting strengthened global trade ties. Across the entire year, exports drove a 20.

2% increase in cargo traffic compared to 2023. Notable gains came from trading routes linking Europe, North America, and the Middle East, solidifying HKIA’s importance as a global logistics hub. The launch of the three-runway system has set the stage for HKIA’s future growth, enabling it to handle rising.

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