
Welcome to smack dab in the middle of August. I am loving the cool nights. If you noticed the picture today with my food, you will notice that there is an arrangement of fresh flowers in the picture and I also placed some fruit with the mini sandwiches.

We made these flower arrangements at our Monterey Garden Club meeting this week which Elizabeth Fournet hosted at her lovely home that is surrounded by beautiful flowers. Abbi Dalton, our guest speaker, showed us how to do some flower arranging. She has a flower business in Cookeville.

We brought our own vase and flowers. And some had extra flowers for us to use. There is nothing quite as restful as making a pretty flower arrangement with folks you enjoy being around.

We had our picture made on the stairs with our flowers and we felt like we should be going to the prom. Our club meets on the 2nd Tuesday at 10:30 a.m.

at the Monterey Methodist Church on Holly Street if you would like to come visit. We welcome you. I've been wanting to make some home-made Pimento Cheese.

This stuff says Southern. I remember my mother making it and I helped with cutting up the red peppers that we had picked at a farm in Cumberland County. The Pimento pepper is sweet and more aromatic than red bell pepper.

But back then we had an abundant supply so we used what we had. Here is my recipe and it is easy. Homemade Pimento Cheese 16-ounce block Velvetta cheese 2-ounce jar Pimentos, drained 1/2 cup mayonnaise Push Velvetta through a grater until all is grated in a bowl.

(Remember playing with Play-Doh?) Add Pimentos and mayonnaise. Stir well. Salt and pepper if desired.

Serve on sandwich bread or crackers. I like to eat them with tomatoes. I had a request to repeat a recipe for pickled eggs.

He had misplaced his recipe so here it is. Pickled Eggs About 12 boiled eggs, peeled and cooled 2 cups apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon table salt 1 tablespoon red pepper Let them sit in a quart jar in the refrigerator for about 5 to 7 days with the lid on the jar. Always wash and sterilize jar before adding eggs.

Some recipes call for sugar and pickling spices. It is time for me to go and one thing I have to do is call my new internet company. My internet went off last night and is still off at 4:30 this morning.

I may have to go to someone's home and borrow some internet to be able to send this to my editor. You might say that I am stressed and frustrated and when we are like that we can't think straight. Humor breaks the stress.

In the Bible in James 1:2 reads "Count it all joy when you fall into various trials." In Proverbs 15:13 it says "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance." I'm trying to find the humor in my internet going off but so far, I can't find any.

It's now 5 a.m. and I guess it's time to call my internet provider and see if they have any humor this early.

If you have a question or a recipe to share, you may call me at 931-510-1349 or you can try emailing me at [email protected] ..

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