
Summer is a torment for the unhoused Homelessness is a nightmare in any season, but summer’s heat brings unique torment. My car, once a refuge, turned into an unbearable oven, even in the shade. The relentless heat made breathing a struggle, and nights offered no relief.

Hygiene was a rare luxury; finding a place to wash was almost impossible, making job hunting mortifying. The emotional toll was immense, amplifying every fear and worry, compounded by the pain of being separated from family. Yet, moments of kindness provided glimmers of hope.

Organizations like CATCH were lifesavers, moving me from my hot car into a cool apartment. Countless others still endure these conditions. We must advocate for housing solutions to restore dignity and hope, ensuring everyone has a place to call home.

Simplistic immigration analysis I am bothered by the news article comparing the number of illegal immigrants apprehended at the US border during Trump’s presidency to Biden’s presidency. The writer claims Trump did a better job because fewer illegal immigrants were caught. Looking at sheer numbers is unscientific.

The border was closed during part of Trump’s presidency, so less people were coming to the US. It would be more factual to show percentage differences. One could also argue the opposite of what the article is claiming.

If there have been more arrests under Biden, perhaps he has done a better job at catching illegal immigrants than Trump did. Idaho kids go without food because of Legislature The state of Idaho recently opted out of $14.6 million in federal funding to feed low-income children lunch during the summer, having similarly turned down federal money in the past, including for childcare in 2023 ($36 million), rental assistance in 2022 ($22 million) and pre-schools in 2021 ($6 million); all programs that needed additional funding.

Why? The most common answer from the Legislature is that it’s socialism and not needed, a view captured recently in the following quote from one of the senators: “I believe the message we need to be sending is that we all need to work for what we get.” As of 2022, Idaho received $1.69 back from the federal government for every dollar paid in taxes (one of the highest subsidy ratios in the country).

Idaho uses this subsidy from other states to fund substantial portions of at least 34 program/department allocations. Some questions to ask our legislators: What portion of the extra federal funding falls under the state’s definition of socialism, and why were the four mentioned in particular? Regardless of partisan beliefs, what possible justification is there for refusing federal funding for critical Idaho citizen needs that the state is not meeting? Idaho’s leaders are standing up for criminals I’m not surprised by Gov. Little’s and the Idaho congressional delegations’ doubling down of their support for Donald Trump following his conviction on 34 felony counts by a Manhattan jury.

Disappointed and saddened, to be sure, but not surprised. The odds of finding a Republican with an ounce of political courage these days are about as slim as the proverbial needle in a haystack. I do have a couple of questions for our governor, though: Does your implicit criticism of the constitutional guarantee of a trial by jury apply across the board or only when the defendant is someone you are obligated to suck up to? And if the former, when will you be pardoning Chad Daybell? Trump is an unparalleled sinner Many among us believe thou shalt not lie, commit adultery, worship golden idols, etc.

, yet they support Trump. They are conflicted trying to serve two divergent masters. Idahoans are no longer free to practice their religious beliefs as to abortion/medical care.

Idahoans must now comply with the religious beliefs of some in our Legislature regarding medical treatments. If Americans re-elect Trump, Trump’s Christian Nationalist supporters may compel us all, including Christians, non-believers, Jews, Muslims, etc., to abide by their religious beliefs.

A Christian Nationalist activist, an ardent Trump supporter, told me years before Trump became a politician: “Only Christians have any rights here. Non-Christians have no right to be in America.” But 32% of Americans are not Christians.

As Trump sinks deeper into his delusions, his false claims of victimhood and of being our savior, and as he gathers support from evangelicals and Christian Nationalists, our democracy becomes more in peril. We can vote in an authoritarian wannabe dictator president, but we cannot vote out a dictator president. Support old-growth forests The Biden administration is giving us a once-in-a-lifetime chance to conserve millions of acres of old-growth forest that benefits everyone.

The National Old Growth Amendment might just protect the last remaining old-growth forests throughout the National Forest system. If done well, it would protect clean water that supplies our towns and cities, nourishes our crops, and provides habitat for fish and wildlife. And it would protect the best secure wildlife habitat, places where deer, elk and numerous other species thrive.

This is why we have an abundance of wildlife, and enjoy opportunities to enjoy that wildlife. Join me and urge the U.S.

Forest Service to enact the NOGA. It’s the right thing to do for future generations..

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