
' Cleo McQueen finds herself further isolated from her family as Abe Fielding continues his reign of terror in disturbing scenes. Cleo feels unwell and it’s the last thing on her mind and clash over his baby plans. A disappointed Cleo tells him she is frightened of being pregnant with her health problems, but Abe is unsympathetic.

In The , Abe challenges Joel Dexter (Rory Douglas-Speed) about his drug use but he is dismissive. He tells Joel that Cleo is struggling again with her eating disorder. Back at the house Abe suprises Cleo – with an escort for the night.

Cleo is horrified by Abe hiring an escort for her, she pays him to leave. Abe is unimpressed. He pressures Cleo saying she is reneging on their deal to have an open relationship.

They are interrupted by Sally St Clare (Annie Wallace) and Cleo finds herself in an intervention from John Paul McQueen (James Sutton) and Sally that spirals into a row about Abe. John Paul shares his fears for Cleo and his own experiences with addiction, leaving her feeling cornered The morning after being abused by Abe, Cleo finds him acting like nothing has happened. He suggests they both spend the day together.

Cleo shows him the bruises he inflicted and heads off to work. Later at Casa McQueen, he tells Cleo he has anger issues and begs for her to take him back. Abe appears to have wheedled his way back in but privately she tells John Paul she needs his help to escape.

Abe tells John Paul he is worried about Cleo’s mental health and plants seeds in his head finding an ally. Cleo breaks down to John Paul. But Abe has got to him, without his support she gives in to Abe and back home at dinner, history repeats itself.

John Paul comes to see Cleo and Abe continues to pull the wool over his eyes when he is concerned to work out they are trying for a baby. Exhausted Cleo complies with his demands. Cleo tries again to talk to John Paul but she ends up turning on him, becoming more isolated.

Also, Mercedes and Joel visit Warren in prison and he tells them he has been set up but he will find out who did it and deal with them. Warren can tell that Joel is using again. Alone, he begs Mercedes to help Joel get clean.

Joel asks Mercedes to help him cheat his drug test. Joel has a debt to Mercedes – she wants him to provide an alibi for his dad Warren. There’s a two hour window Warren can’t account for and Joel is torn – what if he goes to prison?.

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