HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY Adventures of Mercury In the history of exploration, the most daring expeditions, like the ones toward continents that may or may not have actually existed, or the ones out of the earth’s atmosphere, have started with a big idea, a philosophy or a pursuit of truth. The Mercury change to Sagittarius invites starry eyed ambitions, and let the adventuring begin! ARIES (March 21-April 19). A fuzzy wish suddenly comes into focus.
Explore this more before you start telling people about it because as you return to the thought through this season, it will become increasingly, beautifully yours. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). There’s no need to fight natural emotions like worry or fear.
When they come knocking, you invite them to show you what they offer, which may be as minor as suggested action or a safety measure. There’s no emotion you can’t handle. GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
When things aren’t happening fast or glamorous enough for you, don’t worry. You have many tricks up your sleeve. For instance, you can always approach an ordinary task with the kind of passion that makes it extraordinary.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The obstacle in your way may look immovable, but it’s an illusion. Everything changes when you make a move to call someone’s bluff, or roll away the boulder.
You can never tell how easy the move is until you get in there and try it. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
You think of yourself as emotionally independent, but today you’ll realize just.