
Hilarious moment prankster convinces Russian teachers to wear tinfoil hats dubbed 'Helmets of the Fatherland' to 'protect them from radiation by NATO satellites' By TARYN PEDLER Published: 17:16 EST, 10 November 2024 | Updated: 17:42 EST, 10 November 2024 e-mail View comments This is the hilarious moment a prankster convinced gullible Russian teachers to wear tinfoil hats dubbed 'Helmets of the Fatherland'. The teachers, from multiple schools in Voronezh, were made to wear the shiny hats by the political prankster in an attempt to demonstrate how brainwashed they had been by Kremlin propaganda. They had been told by activist trickster Vladislav 'Vladik' Bokhan that the tin head-coverings would protect them and their students from radiation by NATO satellites.

Bokhan claims that Russians are so deeply conditioned to obey tyrant President Vladimir Putin , that they would follow any official instruction, no matter how ridiculous. In footage of the bizarre moment, one teacher can be heard saying: 'Making tinfoil hats is not only an interesting and creative activity, but also an important patriotic act, symbolising the readiness to defend our homeland from external [Western] threats. Gullible Russian teachers were pranked into wearing tin foil hats to protect their minds from 'the transmission of Western ideas' Some teachers claimed that after putting on the hat they felt a 'purification of thoughts,' a 'boost in spirits,' a 'surge of patriotism' and a 'need to help the [war]' Alu.

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