
Right now, your social media feeds are probably full of , coconut tree memes, Charli xcx proclaiming that “ ,” and weeks- or months-old posts from astrologers who correctly predicted that President Biden would drop out of the 2024 presidential race during the Full Moon in Capricorn. Not on the astrology corner of the internet? Let me share a few viral examples, but trust me, they are not alone. The astrologers were ON THIS: There are actually reasons why astrologers predicted such a major political shakeup would happen.

Let’s break down some of the biggest ones (because yeah, there are ): This is the big one! Many astrologers predicted that Sunday’s would bring the end of Biden’s candidacy in the 2024 presidential race. The Full Moon on Sunday occurred in the late degrees of Capricorn (meaning at the very end of Capricorn, right before the Moon moves into the next sign, Aquarius). rules structure, tradition, legacy, career, and in some interpretations, government and even presidents.

Both Full Moons and late degrees represent endings, too. Add this all together and it indicates an ending to Biden's presidential candidacy. Additionally, in a YouTube video, astrologer pointed out that this Full Moon formed a conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius, opposing the Pluto in Leo in .

Basically, this gives some extra oomph to astrology’s emphasis on endings and letting go for Biden in particular. For another POV, astrologer pointed out that this particular Full Moon took place in the same spot as between Jupiter and Saturn of December 2020, meaning that we're currently revisiting many of the same themes, collectively. In a TikTok video, Kelly says this kind of astrological energy is known to “shift leadership and change governments and national infrastructure.

” It also indicates that things will be different from 2020. "We're learning the lesson, which is not doing the same thing again," Kelly tells . "Should this have been Biden versus Trump again, that would have felt really discouraging from an energetic perspective, because it means that we're not changing the narrative.

But Biden stepping down does." Back in 2023, astrologer Kayla Murphy, aka @ , predicted that Biden would drop out during a Pluto-Sun opposition, which, she wrote on X, “can indicate an authority figure/politician coming to a powerful fall or halt.” She first predicted this in July 2023, but there is also a Pluto-Sun opposition happening right now.

In a January episode of podcast, astrologer Lisa Stardust predicted that Biden would drop out of the presidential race this year. This is due to Pluto squaring Biden’s natal Moon (meaning that Pluto is currently in Capricorn, the same sign the Moon was in when Biden was born). On , Stardust also pointed to the Full Moon in Capricorn at 29 degrees aspecting Neptune Retrograde in Pisces at 29 degrees.

"Biden's Moon is in Taurus, and the Moon is exalted in Taurus," Stardust tells . "The Moon is like your emotional structure. And Pluto is all about transformation and change.

I think that he's done. It's been a hard presidency for him, and I think he's already at his end emotionally." They add, "Pluto also can mean triangular situations, too.

So I think he got a lot of pressure from people to step down." As for Neptune Retrograde, which Stardust says is sometimes called "the divine discontent," its interaction with Biden's birth chart can indicate stepping away from a dream. "He's been in politics his whole life.

He really wanted to be president," Stardust points out. "He wanted it so badly and sacrificed so much for it. But Neptune Retrograde reminds us that things that we wanted, we may not want anymore.

" Neptune Retrograde is also transiting Biden's 4th House, which means "it's hitting him on like a very soulful and spiritual level," Stardust adds. "I think a lot of things are changing for him." In a , astrologer Chris Brennan also pointed out that Biden’s announcement came soon after a conjunction between Mars and Uranus in Taurus on July 15.

This conjunction took place in Biden’s 6th House, which rules wellness and could indicate his recent case of Covid. Kamala Harris was born when Jupiter was in Taurus, and Jupiter rules her 10th House in . The 10th House represents career, professional achievements, and reputation, so this Mars-Uranus conjunction indicates, as Brennan puts it in his YouTube video, a “sudden, unexpected career change” for Harris.

Other astrologers, such as aka @kirastrology, pointed to Mars in Gemini forming a conjunction with Biden’s natal Uranus and Saturn. For non-astrologers, this means that Mars is currently moving through Gemini, and both Uranus and Saturn were in Gemini when Biden was born in 1942. FYI, Uranus is the planet of shock and surprises.

"Talk about a Uranus shockwave!!" . In a , Aliza Kelly connected Biden’s announcement to the United States’s Pluto Return, a lengthy transit that began in 2020 and will end in 2026. To put it simply: Pluto is currently close to where it was in the sky way back when the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, indicating major shakeups and transformations in our political system.

NBD! "Aquarius is a sign that is associated with revolution and rebellion and big cataclysmic change, and Pluto is also associated with transformation and rebirth," Kelly tells . "All of these pieces coming together on at this moment is really interesting. We are seeing the United States and the leaders and the government infrastructure transform at this particular time, when the cycle calls for a shift in the pattern.

" She adds, "I think that this is going to be an election that has the potential catalyze a lot of change." What happens next? Kelly tells us that the rest of 2024's astrology promises a lot of political action. "Important stuff happens when planets are at either the 29 degree or the zero degree point—an example of this is that January 6 took place when Mars was at 29 degrees of Aries.

In the political theater that we're all observing, these are very activated points," she explains. "2024 is really defined by planets at those points, so we know that things are volatile and we know that things are in transition. There's a lot of storylines ending and new chapters beginning.

And I think that there's a lot of exciting possibility in that." Who do astrologers predict will win the 2024 election? As for who ultimately wins the 2024 election? It depends on who you ask. are predicting that Kamala Harris will be our next president, but are predicting that Trump will win the election.

Still others aren’t ready to make a prediction just yet. But whatever goes down between now and November, it’s not going to be boring. (she/her) is the current Senior Astrology Editor at .

In her 4+ years at , she's worked on everything from editing weekly horoscopes, to reporting on how astrology influences album release dates, to launching . Before joining Cosmopolitan in 2020, she worked at Refinery29, HelloGiggles, and BUST magazine. Her book series was published in 2021.

Follow her on and @erikawynn..

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