Even if you blinked, there’s no way to have missed the festivities that took place these past few days celebrating the latest Ambani nuptials in India. Rihanna came out of retirement to perform. The amount of billionaires attending–Gates! Zuckerberg! Fink! Mittal!—could sink or swim entire economies during the cocktail reception alone.
Family matriarch Nita Ambani’s emerald whopper worn to one of the events, which inside sources confirmed cost in the realm of $30 million, is one of the biggest emeralds the public has ever seen. A post shared by Haute Lifestyle (@hautelifestyleofficial) This isn’t even the wedding–these are pre-wedding festivities. The actual wedding will take place over the next year in various destinations spread across Europe and India.
The groom, Anant (the youngest of the Ambani children) did play his role in shaping cultural dialogues through these events, though. First, the animal conservation center where it all took place, Vantara, is a 3,000-acre refuge he founded and will soon be open to the public, although he stresses, “It is not a zoo.” Indeed, it’s the way he’s chosen to use his family’s billions to impact change by bringing attention to the mistreatment and exploitation of animals through tourism, circuses, zoos, culture, and illegal hunting.
“My goal is to create the world’s largest sanctuary and breeding facility for all species of animals, a wildlife institute dedicated to repopulating and conserving critically enda.