Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin The U.S. passport has dropped further down the Henley Passport Power Index.
As reliable as fireworks at midnight to ring in January 1st, the new year also brings with it the annual results of the Henley Passport Index . Based on unique Timatic data from the world’s largest and most accurate database of travel information, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), backed up by in-house research, it ranks all 199 of the world’s most powerful passports based on how many of 227 global travel destinations they grant visa-free access to. After the congestion of countries vying for the top spot in 2024 with no fewer than six sharing the same level of visa-free global access, things have thinned out considerably in 2025.
The impact of major wars, political upheaval and climate concerns continue to play their part in the statuses and accessibility of many countries and the rights of their citizens to travel. This year’s Henley Index shows us just how much. The top five most powerful passports In 2025, Singapore has reclaimed its crown as the world’s most powerful passport with visa-free access to an extraordinary 195 of the 227 global destinations included in the list.
This sees it open a clear gap to second-ranked Japan, which now grants access to 193 destinations without a visa, including for the first time since the global travel lockdown, China. Singapore passport holders now have visa-free access to more desti.