Stella McMullan, whose daughter Caitlin-Rose died after being struck by a car last week, wants authorities to address safety issues at bus stops Stella McMullan with her daughter Caitlin-Rose Caitlin-Rose McMullan Caitlin-Rose McMullan Caitlin-Rose McMullan The mother of an 11-year-old girl who died after being struck by a car after she got off her school bus in Castledawson last week has called for greater safety measures to protect children. Caitlin-Rose McMullan , a first-year pupil at St Pius X College in Magherafelt, died on March 6, and now mum Stella McMullan has started a campaign urging the authorities to do more to save lives. She says she believes a ‘stop arm’ system, which is used successfully in school transport in the US and elsewhere around the world, could have prevented her daughter’s death, and she is urging those responsible for overseeing the NI school transport system to do everything they can to prevent further tragedies.
“I experienced a tragedy no parent should ever have to go through,” she said, launching a petition which thousands have already supported. “My daughter lost her life while coming off the school bus.
It’s an incident that has left a lasting impression on me and my family and it is only one example of a widespread and urgent problem — the lack of effective bus safety measures in place to protect our children. “I feel it’s my legacy to her to start getting more bus shelters, speed and bus awareness before som.