
Sponge gourd has diuretic properties that help the kidneys filter and eliminate toxins. Unlike other diuretic foods, sponge gourd has low potassium content, making it safe for individuals with kidney conditions. It can also help reduce swelling caused by kidney issues.

Due to its diuretic effects and ability to expel uric acid, sponge gourd can be boiled with Herba Lophatheri (Dan Zhu Ye) to help reduce the frequency of gout attacks. Drinking sponge gourd water can help improve high blood lipids, Zhang said. For people who are physically frail or susceptible to illness and have high blood lipids, simmering sponge gourd with ginseng is beneficial.

Place one sponge gourd and 20 grams (0.71 ounces) of ginseng in a clay pot. Steam them without adding water.

Collect and consume the liquid produced by the steam daily. While we often associate allergies with skin reactions like itching or nasal symptoms like sneezing, they can also manifest in other ways, Zhang said. For instance, coughing at night may indicate an allergy reaction, similar to asthma, he added.

At the onset of a cold with a sore throat, sucking on a small piece of sponge gourd and slowly swallowing the juice can help alleviate symptoms. For conditions like furuncles or pustules, eating sponge gourd can aid in eliminating the infection. Rubbing a small piece of sponge gourd and applying it to the affected area can speed up healing.

For urethritis with burning pain, drinking a decoction made from sponge gourd and white rice can help improve symptoms. When hemorrhoid bleeding is severe and difficult to stop, slice the sponge gourd, roast it until charred, then grind it into a powder and consume it to help stop the bleeding. The fibers of mature sponge gourd are particularly coarse.

After removing the flesh and seeds, the remaining mesh-like fibers dry out and become loofah. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), consuming foods and herbs that resemble the appearance of specific organs or tissues in the body can have a beneficial and nourishing effect on those organs and tissues, Zhang said. The structure of loofah closely resembles that of the human lungs.

In TCM, loofah is valued for its ability to treat coughs; it helps soothe the respiratory system, relieve coughing, and expel phlegm. The shape of loofah also resembles the network of blood vessels and meridians in the body. According to TCM, meridians are the channels through which energy flows in the human body.

They are responsible for transporting qi, energy that exists in all living things, and blood throughout the body. In TCM, all nutrients that supplement the body are collectively referred to as blood. The circulation of qi and blood maintains the balance and stability of various tissues and organs.

Blocked meridians can disrupt the flow of qi and blood, leading to bodily pain. The loofah can promote blood circulation and unblock meridians, making it effective for treating muscle and joint pain, as well as lower back pain, Zhang said. To prepare, boil a few slices of loofah in 16.

91 fluid ounces (500 milliliters) of water, let the mixture cool, and drink it throughout the day. Zhang shared a method for making sponge gourd water at home. First, peel and cut the sponge gourd into pieces.

Steam the pieces for 20 minutes. The juice released from the sponge gourd can be collected and filtered to obtain sponge gourd water. Natural Makeup Remover: Effectively cleanses deep-seated impurities, restoring skin vitality.

Skin Protection: Apply before using facial care products to reduce potential harmful effects of chemicals or preservatives. Skin Whitening: Rich in amino acids and natural vitamin C. For enhanced whitening and rejuvenation, soak a face mask in sponge gourd water and apply for 15 minutes, Zhang said.

Moisturizer: Carry in a small spray bottle for dry skin or as a moisturizing sunscreen. Sunburn Relief: Regular application can accelerate the healing of sunburned areas. A study on sponge gourd found that applying crushed sponge gourd leaves topically can effectively treat fungal infections.

This method is often effective within three days, according to Zhang. Sponge gourd seeds can help alleviate excessive menstrual bleeding. Also, sponge gourd roots can be used to treat sciatica and relieve frequent headaches.

Children often experience nosebleeds while growing up. Zhang’s family uses a special remedy of stewing sponge gourd with brown sugar to help alleviate this issue. While adults can benefit from this remedy as well, it is particularly effective for children.

He shared how it’s made: Wash and peel half a sponge gourd. Cut it into chunks. Place the chunks in a steamer and add 0.

71 ounces (20 grams) of brown sugar. Steam for 15 minutes once the water starts to produce steam. Cool to a safe temperature before consumption.

People who have cold hands and feet, along with frequent lower back pain and fatigue, should avoid consuming too much sponge gourd, as it can cause diarrhea. Excessive consumption of sponge gourd may lead to erectile dysfunction, but this can be countered by cooking it with ginger. Pregnant women and those with a history of recurrent miscarriages should avoid sponge gourd due to the abortifacient properties of its seeds.


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