India’s top batter Virat Kohli has struggled in the second and third Tests of the ongoing Border-Gavaskar Trophy series despite scoring an unbeaten century in the first match at Perth. The Delhi-born batter’s childhood coach Rajkumar Sharma has backed him to adapt and bounce back to form, like he has done many times before. “He scored a century in the first match, if he has not scored in the following two innings in difficult conditions then knows his game, he is a senior and knows his responsibilities towards the team.
He is a great student of the game, adapts well to the conditions and I am very sure he will bounce back and there is nothing to worry about,” Sharma told IANS. Kohli looked to be regaining form as he scored an unbeaten century in the second innings of the first Test but has gone on to score seven, 11, and three runs respectively across the next three innings. Following his dismissal on Monday, in a similar fashion to what Indian cricket fans have gotten accustomed to, the former India opener criticised Kohli for not leaving the ball that was going outside his off stump.
Sharma believes Gavaskar is a well-wisher of Indian cricket and hence his suggestions are always open. “Sunil is a well-wisher of Indian cricket, he is a legend of the game and his suggestions have always been open. I believe there has not been a bigger batter than Gavaskar,” he added.
On Monday, Rohan Jaitley, the Delhi District Cricket Association (DDCA) president, won his second .