
Psych desk: The Jewish Therapist Blacklist A Chicago-area therapist started a blacklist of “clinicians who support the existence of Israel — or are Jewish, or have Jewish-sounding names,” thunders Sally Satel at The Free Press . That’s not only a “grave breach of professional ethics,” but “also part of a larger drama unfolding within the world of psychotherapy as more and more clinicians insist that psychotherapy is, foremost, a political rather than a clinical enterprise.” Worse: “Instead of fighting back, the major professional organizations” — including the American Psychological Association, the National Association of Social Workers and the American Counseling Association — are “embracing this malignant philosophy.

” No! “The best that psychotherapists have to offer humanity” is “putting patients’ needs, not dogma and grievance, at the center of their practice.” Media watch: Decoding CNN Bias Commentary’s Seth Mandel deconstructs CNN’s Saturday report on the IDF strike on a Hamas command center. “At least 93 Palestinians have been killed in an Israeli strike on a school and mosque in Gaza sheltering displaced people, according to local officials, sparking international outrage,” CNN reported.

Notes Mandel: “The reported ‘facts’ in that sentence are false.” 1) “All of Gaza’s schools have been on break since October 7,” so it wasn’t a strike on a school. 2) “That CNN used such an exact number — 93! — tells you that whoever is feeding CNN those numbers is making them up,” and those “local officials” are Hamas.

3) Hamas later brought its count down to 40, and the IDF has now publicly ID’d at least 31 Hamas officials among the dead, which also “proves that, yes, it was a command center after all and without any doubt a legitimate military target.” Conservative: How Gay Rights Lost Its Way After GLAAD achieved its mission to counter “negative portrayals” of LGBTQ “people in advertising and entertainment,” it “should have long ago taken the win and dissolved,” grumbles James Kirchick at The Atlantic. However, “the impulse among activists, once successful, to keep raising money necessitates that they find things to spend it on,” and “GLAAD succumbed to this temptation, enabling [President Sarah Kate] Ellis to live luxuriously at the expense of the group’s donors.

” Yet “the trouble at GLAAD” is also “a story about how . . .

an entire movement has gone tragically adrift.” “Flailing about for relevance since the legalization of same-sex marriage, many gay-rights groups pivoted to a related but fundamentally different cause: transgender rights.” “In their dogmatism,” they “have become disconnected from the people they purport to represent.

” From the right: Harris’ Gaza Test at the DNC “Tens of thousands of activists” will hit Chicago for the Democratic convention, looking to hold Kamala Harris “to account” for Biden policy in Gaza, “where they accuse Israel of ‘genocide’ ” against Palestinians, warns The Wall Street Journal’s William McGurn . With “Biden’s withdrawal from the race, ‘Genocide Joe’ has given way to ‘Killer Kamala.’” Maybe she thought tapping progressive Tim Walz as her running mate would quiet the left, but “the cause that most excites progressives this election is Gaza” and “at least some protesters see the Democrats’ 1968 Chicago convention as their model.

” Harris passed over more moderate-seeming Josh Shapiro for Walz; “in Chicago next week, we’ll see how protesters reward her for it.” Culture critic: Snow White & the Seven CGI Dwarfs The new “Snow White” teaser features her “seven iconic companions, all of whom are portrayed with CGI,” observes Reason’s Billy Binion , making good on Disney’s 2022 vow to “take a ‘different approach’ to the septet of characters ‘to avoid reinforcing stereotypes’ about dwarfs” in response to actor Peter Dinklage’s griping of a “backwards story about seven dwarfs living in a cave together.” Binion slams Disney for replacing “the characters with computer-generated renderings and declining to cast dwarf actors, who have next to no opportunity in Hollywood.

” That is, as often with “trying to signal virtue, Disney hurt the very people they were supposedly protecting.” — Compiled by The Post Editorial Board.

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