
In the "Republicans Pounce" department, we have headlines about Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz trying to score points against opponent J.D. Vance by claiming that he and his wife have children thanks to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

"JD Vance accused Tim Walz of lying about his IVF experience," reads the headline at NBC News . The headline at The Telegraph reads, "JD Vance accuses Tim Walz of telling ‘bizarre lies’ over fertility treatment." What kind of guy is this Vance fellow that he accuses his opponent of lying about having IVF? As Twitchy reported, Walz repeated the IVF lie at his first rally with Kamala Harris.

NYT: In April, the Walz camp mailed a fund-raising letter that read: “My wife and I used I.V.F.

to start a family.’’ But the campaign now clarifies that the couple did not rely on I.V.

F. (They used I.U.

I. doesn’t involve creating/destroying embryos) https://t.co/N2xIY1TEsJ Walz last month: “Today’s IVF Day.

Thank God for IVF — my wife and I have two beautiful children,” https://t.co/ExkcnjlzS7 pic.twitter.

com/QwCI4snMwM Kamala HQ itself posted a video of Walz telling how he wouldn't have children without IVF. Gov. @Tim_Walz : If it was up to JD Vance, I wouldn't have a family because of IVF.

Democrats are investing in prenatal care. We're the ones that are for universal pre-K. We're the ones that are providing school meals.

I'm not gonna back down one bit on this whole family values...

pic.twitter.com/jdbKmpuh4K Far from "Republicans Pounce," most headlines have been pretty soft.

Take this one from the Associated Press: Tim Walz has described his family's IVF experience. His wife says they used a different procedure https://t.co/zzo5RTFP6r Well, if they used a different procedure, what would you call Walz describing "his family's IVF experience"? A lie, maybe? Shorter: he’s a liar.

Are you saying he LIED??? Another lie by Tim Walz. Walz's wife issued a statement Tuesday to clear things up. The AP reports : In introducing himself to voters as Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris ’ running mate, Walz has made his family’s struggle with fertility a central part of his narrative, a tangible way to connect with voters alarmed at the erosion of reproductive rights in the U.

S. But Gwen Walz on Tuesday issued a statement that detailed the experience more comprehensively and disclosed that they relied on a different process known as intrauterine insemination, or IUI. IUI is often attempted before IVF but doesn’t face the same level of political controversy because it doesn’t risk destroying unused embryos that anti-abortion advocates say equate to unborn children.

Campaign spokesperson Mia Ehrenberg denies that Walz has been misleading. The Harris campaign’s statement: “Governor Walz talks how normal people talk. He was using commonly understood shorthand for fertility treatments.

” Oh, OK. hE mIsSpOkE! Like being a combat veteran is shorthand for deployed to a warehouse in Italy. He lied.

That’s not shorthand. That is a lie. These options are throughly discussed with patients.

No one who has been through it confuses IVF with artificial insemination. Walz lies like he breathes. Just like Biden.

He knew exactly what he was saying and why. He also knew it was a lie. Normal people say IUI or “fertility treatment”.

They don’t say IVF when it’s not. That is a load of malarkey He said his wife's pregnancy was due to “IVF” several times in direct comments to claims that Trump wants to “ban IVF”. I had fertility treatments, including IUI but never underwent IVF.

I have never used "IVF" in conversation to describe my own fertility struggles. Serious question..

Are you PR for the campaign? Pretty much. Look, we've had a pathological liar in the White House for three-and-a-half years now ..

. we don't need more of the same. "Governor Walz talks how normal people talk" doesn't cut it.


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