
Over the years, my brothers and I have developed this habit of making fun of each other whenever one sings out of tune. But it is not making fun of each other, per se, but more like an encouragement. Instead of us laughing at the one who made a mistake, we pat him on the back to let him know.

And then, in the coming notes, belts the life out of the song he is singing. So as some of you may know, Jnr Vigi originally had 3 members in the group. Our brother Amini Mape aka Aimz, due to work had to pull back a bit from performing, but we still have him perform with us from time to time.

In this episode of the column, I will be talking about Harmonizing and how it really helped us a lot. We were so intrigued with harmonizing when we first heard D.S.

S and Boyz to Men and many other artists that had songs with great harmonies. I remember we would listen to acoustic live performances and just be in awe of the amazing vocals and harmonies, and how they would sound (especially Boyz to Men). Harmonizing, or singing in parts makes the song sound so very sweet.

It complements the music so well that they are another instrument on their own. So, there was one time when the 3 of us went to a gig at one of the Hotels here in POM, and we had just heard of a new song, well, a cover actually, which was sung by D.S.

S which is titled ‘Home and Away’ and we decided to try it out. I don’t know if it was the chemistry, or the brother bond, but the song felt right, and sounded right. And in the c.

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