
Before President Obama made weaponizing government fashionable, we had Clinton's ATF under the leadership of Janet Reno, lay siege to a cult complex in Waco, Texas . There is still questions as to who set the fire, the government agents or the cultists, but one thing was certain, it planted a serious distrust in the ATF and other armed government agencies. So, fairly or unfairly, when the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms bureau wished us a Bidenesque "happy holiday season", Twitter was not amused.

From all of us at ATF, we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season! #WeAreATF pic.twitter.com/dwqhJMJRsj Behold the holiday cheer which followed.

Note: these are the ones we could print. Many others are, let's say, not safe for Christmas morning. You guys are literally the enemy of every American citizen and dog in America.

You and your lawless rule making needs to go. Forever. https://t.

co/KI3wcOV1dx pic.twitter.com/jJANMnnsk5 Offer not valid for your family dog.

https://t.co/VLCOpYq9ak Dog lovers were particularly offended. Stop treating the celebration of the birth of my lord as the holiday that can’t be named.

https://t.co/XWwpHh6cF4 We should probably be thankful that Biden's handlers didn't wish us something like a Latinx LGBTQIA+. the @ATFHQ , whose job it is to limit fun, would like to wish u a happy holidays.

😑 Well, it didn't work. Yes, I will. Me and my three friends.

Thanks very much. (By the way, you suck. But have a merry Christmas anyway.

) pic.twitter.com/X4j5B.

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