
With rumours suggesting that Switch 2 might not be launching until sometime after March 2025, you might be looking to fill the time while you wait for the next Nintendo hotness. Fortunately, there are plenty of very big, very long games on Switch if you're a time-rich gamer. Sometimes you just want a quick hit of video game goodness to fill a half-hour gap in your schedule, but others you want to sit back and luxuriate in an absorbing world for hours on end.

Fortunately, Switch caters to gamers on both ends of the spectrum, whether you're after a brief amuse-bouche or a 12-course blow-out meal with all the trimmings. Today, we're looking at the latter. That's right, we're here to sort through a selection of the 36 biggest, longest Switch games — more specifically, the 36 biggest, longest Switch games that are actually good .

There are plenty of games you could sink hundreds of hours into, but decidedly fewer that you'll come away from feeling that that was time well spent. We've reviewed every long Switch game on the list below they've all scored at least 8/10. All the hour counts included here come from How Long To Beat , the community poll site that gathers playtime data from its users to give new players a good idea of how much time they'll need to devote to a game before rolling credits.

While they have various averaged totals, including times for mainlining the campaign and 100% completion, we've based this list on the Main + Sides/Extra totals. So, to put that in Breath of the Wild terms, you've done all the mainline and side quests, but you haven't gone completion-crazy and collected all 900 Korok seeds. The number of users who have submitted stats varies per game, so it's worth keeping a pinch of salt handy and not treating the stated hour count as gospel — everyone has their own pace, of course, so think of them as a rough guide.

We've also eliminated F2P, live-service games, and other titles which feel like they could go on almost indefinitely due to their daily check-in structure. Can you ever really 'finish' Animal Crossing ? Enough preamble — let's get into the amble itself and take a look at our picks of the best long games on Switch . We start with the, er, shortest long game of the 36.


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