
Monday, August 26, 2024 Greek tourism revenue surged by 12.2% in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. From January to June 2024, travel receipts in Greece increased by 754.

8 million euros, totaling 6.921 billion euros. This growth was largely fueled by a 15.

5% rise in inbound tourist arrivals, which reached 11.625 million. However, the average spending per trip dropped by 3.

1%. Germany was the top revenue contributor for Greece in the first half of the year, providing over 1.2 billion euros.

The United Kingdom followed closely with just over 1 billion euros, and the United States contributed 540 million euros. Specifically, in the first seven months of 2024, revenues from Germany rose by 7.4% to 1.

22 billion euros. French receipts also saw an increase of 2.5%, reaching 445.

7 million euros. Italy’s contribution grew significantly by 48.8%, amounting to 329.

0 million euros. Country of Origin 2022 2023 Change (%) Jan-June 2023 2024 (Jan-June) Change (%) Jan-June 2024 June 2022 June 2023 Change (%) June 2023 June 2024 Change (%) June 2024 EU27 2,863.9 3,323.

7 16.1% 3,815.8 14.

8% 1,465.0 1,636.9 11.

7% 1,713.0 4.6% Euro area 2,392.

4 2,776.9 16.1% 3,104.

4 11.8% 1,163.2 1,319.

0 13.4% 1,285.3 -2.

6% of which: France 350.7 434.6 23.

9% 445.7 2.5% 144.

9 162.2 11.9% 163.

9 1.0% Germany 1,034.8 1,139.

0 10.1% 1,223.3 7.

4% 531.0 530.4 -0.

1% 522.9 -1.4% Italy 179.

5 221.1 23.2% 329.

0 48.8% 115.7 126.

3 9.2% 144.9 14.

8% Non-euro area countries within the EU27 471.5 546.7 15.

9% 714.0 30.7% 301.

8 317.9 5.3% 427.

6 34.5% Other countries 1,988.7 2,599.

1 30.7% 2,818.6 8.

4% 985.8 1,148.9 16.

5% 1,275.4 11.0% of which: United Kingdom 795.

7 840.9 5.7% 1,008.

6 19.9% 424.9 427.

2 0.5% 608.9 42.

5% United States 339.0 534.9 57.

8% 540.1 1.0% 160.

3 213.1 32.9% 143.

1 -32.9% Russia 14.6 15.

2 4.1% 5.2 -70.

1% 3.4 3.5 3.

3% 2.4 -31.4% Border Survey total 4,852.

6 5,922.7 22.1% 6,634.

3 12.0% 2,450.8 2,785.

8 13.7% 2,988.4 7.

3% Cruises 130.4 243.7 86.

9% 286.9 17.7% 49.

2 105.5 114.4% 126.

6 20.0% TOTAL 4,983.0 6,166.

5 23.8% 6,921.3 12.

2% 2,500.0 2,891.3 15.

7% 3,115.0 7.7% In June, travel receipts in Greece increased by 7.

7% year-on-year, reaching a total of 3.1 billion euros. This growth was driven by an 8.

8% rise in the number of inbound travelers, despite a 1.4% decrease in average spending per trip. British tourists contributed the most to this surge, with revenue from the United Kingdom climbing by 42.

5% to 608.9 million euros. France also saw a modest rise, with receipts increasing by 1.

0% to 163.9 million euros, while Italy’s contribution grew by 12.9% to 144.

9 million euros. On the other hand, revenue from Germany dropped by 1.4% to 522.

9 million euros. Similarly, the United States and Russia experienced significant declines, with receipts falling by 32.8% to 143.

1 million euros and 60.2% to 2.5 million euros, respectively.


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