
When I saw this tweet today, I knew I had to write a diatribe. I have lots of opinions on this issue. Mother in law won't take no for an answer trying to hold newborn only 2 days after birth😬 pic.

twitter.com/0hSkPbCyLX A slight caveat ..

. I am assuming most new grandparents are sane and capable people who did the best job they could as parents and would in no way harm a grandchild. Obviously, there are toxic people who were horrible parents and they should be kept from helpless babies.

Moving on. There is no reason this grandmother should be kept from holding her grandchild. Dad of baby should have stepped in and encouraged his wife to let his mother hold the baby and perhaps she could take a quick nap or shower or stretch.

Kinda shocked at the number of people defending MIL here. I’m not one to withhold my baby from someone that wants to hold them, but ignoring parents requests and boundaries like this woman did is a surefire way to never hold that baby ever. And letting herself into their home?! https://t.

co/OiBpUDhbrK The reason this person is likely 'shocked' people are defending the Mother in Law in question is it would not go that way on TikTok. I have a TikTok account to keep up with social media trends and my own kids, but I am constantly shocked with how this latest generation of parents have gone off the deep end. On one hand they demand grandparents not come visit the new baby at the hospital, not ask to hold the new baby or even visit for the first few months.

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