James May has announced that his globetrotting adventures on Amazon Prime have come to an end as his travel series 'James May: Our Man In...
' has been axed. The show, which debuted in 2020, saw the former Top Gear and The Grand Tour star exploring countries like Japan, Italy , and India, engaging in local customs and activities. However, after three seasons, the streaming service has decided not to renew the programme for further instalments.
Speaking candidly to Yahoo UK! , James expressed his relief at not having to be away from home for extended periods, something he's less enthusiastic about nowadays: "Well, Our Man In...
is actually finished, they don't want any more of that, so I won't be doing that. But that does take you away from home for a long time, which I wasn't so keen on these days anyway." He also shared his current passions, hinting at future projects: "I think the thing that appeals to me in these sort of more mature years of my life is arts and craft really, I want to make things, play musical instruments, and look at paintings.
" When probed about the reasons behind the cancellation, James didn't hide his disappointment with the decision-makers at Amazon: "Well, they just didn't want it anymore, miserable b*****ds," reports The Mirror. Following a cycle crash, James May has faced considerable disruption while filming for his new Channel 5 programme, The Great Explorers With James May. The TV presenter was injured in a charity bike ride near Hammersmith Brid.