
Gigi Hadid is dealing with a quintessential New York “problem.” The 29-year-old supermodel revealed in a recent Architectural Digest interview that she had to renovate part of her apartment due to rodents. “My outdoor space in New York is getting a little update because we had a rat problem in New York, and some of the original designs of the space didn’t help that problem,” she told the outlet when asked what she would “change” about her space.

“So that’s what I’m looking forward to,” she added. New York City’s fight against rats has ramped up in recent years, with Mayor Eric Adams even appointing an official “rat czar” in 2023. In September, City Council also approved a bill to lace rat traps with rodent birth control to halt the growing rodent population — meaning Hadid is far from the only one dealing with this issue.

While it is unclear whether the rats infiltrated her living space as well, the catwalker thankfully has another home in Pennsylvania where she could flee. She described her interior design style as “eclectic, industrial farmhouse” in the interview but noted that it has shifted over the years. “The way I designed and decorated my homes or apartments at first and the evolution of my fashion style are similar,” she explained.

“When I first moved to New York, my style was very on trend all the time and the way I decorated my apartments was safe and quite simple.” Although Hadid wanted “to express [herself]” through d.

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