
Friday, July 19, 2024 To support the press, especially international media, the Paris Region has launched a virtual NewsRoom. It provides comprehensive information, content, and tools related to the Paris Region’s three strategic responsibilities for the Games, available in both English and French. Visit & Choose Paris Region offers comprehensive information on the region as a tourist destination, including themed tours, annual reports, and visuals of the region’s heritage.

It also covers its economic aspects, such as business impact studies, economic involvement in the games, and investment opportunities. Transport and Mobility details plans for new lines, extensions, dedicated transport plans, and new infrastructure and rolling stock. Institutional section provides information on measures implemented by the Region before, during, and after the Games, focusing on legacy aspects like training, employment platforms, and sustainability of facilities.

This NewsRoom aims to streamline and enhance information sources for the press with its one-stop-shop approach and easy access to key contacts in the Paris Region..

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