Recently, I asked the Gen Z members of our BuzzFeed Community what things they appreciate or love about older generations. Here are some of their responses: 1. "I like that, with older generations, they’re able to keep up conversations with each other and create real connections without a screen between them.
Some Gen-Z’ers do it too, don’t get me wrong, but the amount of people unable to strike up a conversation and keep it is interesting, to say the least." – msjsa 2. "The thing I'm most jealous about is that older generations got to grow up with 'third places' to meet and hang out in.
There's nothing like that anymore. If we go to a coffee shop, it's $10 cups of coffee, and we're expected to drink it quietly and leave. And if we want to go hang out in the park, there are always Karens yelling at us for just being kids.
It's like there's a constant helicopter of surveillance and anger towards teenagers that's just completely kept us from having that kind of experience you got." – metallicwitch558 3. "Sometimes the insight of 'Hey, here's how we handled XYZ back in the day' when the XYZ is something like a craft project or a recipe.
Like, the sewing and general clothing tricks you learn from older folks (hairspray or nail polish on snagged nylons, a line of stitching around the top of your sleeve before you sew it into the shirt so it curves and fits in the armhole a little nicer) are really nice." – sadmac356 4. "The toys, tbh.
I always thought the Beanie Babies.