
If you want to find out the exam score you would have had to achieve to get a specific grade at GCSE in 2024, you need to look at the grade boundaries for the exam board whose test you sat. Grades in Wales this year are expected to be lower overall than last year as exam bosses try to return to the grade levels last seen before the pandemic and the support that was introduced for students during those years. In Wales, pupils taking exams from the WJEC exam board will receive grades on the A* to G scale.

However across the border in England, pupils will receive grades 1-9. A 3 grade in England is equivalent to an A with the top end of A* (or A** as some might call it) classed as a 1 and the lower end of A* as a 2. You can find the links to the pages that will have the grade boundaries below.

Follow our live GCSEs results blog with updates and reaction here . READ MORE: Luxury car dealer ransacked and thousands worth of cars stolen LATEST: Tech founder who set up business at home in Cardigan becomes millionaire in sale WJEC GCSE grade boundaries for 2024 You can find a full list of WJEC GCSE grade boundaries on this link Edexcel GCSE grade boundaries for 2024 The full list of Edexcel GCSE grade boundaries on this link AQA GCSE grade boundaries for 2024 A full list of AQA GCSE grade boundaries are available here. OCR GCSE grade boundaries for 2024 A full list of OCR GCSE grade boundaries will are available here.

CCEA GCSE grade boundaries for 2024 A full list of CCEA GCSE grade boundaries is available here. GCSE 2024 grading system in Wales A* - G grades GCSE 2024 grading system in England 9 = High A* 8 = Low A* or high Grade A 7 = Low Grade A 6 = High Grade B 5 = Low Grade B or high C 4 = Low Grade C 3 = Grade D or high E 2 = Low Grade E or high F 1 = Low F or high G U = U.

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