
The Lowcountry of South Carolina is not necessarily known for its easy-to-grow fruit trees . It gets too cold for many tropical fruits, and it is too warm for many other fruits. There are some that thrive here, though, and one of them is the loquat.

When it comes to fruit trees, there is not much that can rival the loquat in terms of production and adaptability. Sometimes confused with the kumquat, a species in the Rutaceae, or citrus family, the loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) — also known as a Japanese plum — is a beautiful flowering tree from the rose family. A fruit tree native to eastern Asia, the loquat does remarkably well in temperate climates.

The loquat is a small, evergreen tree that can handle the summer heat of the Lowcountry but surprisingly can also handle the cold winters. It blooms in the late fall to early winter, where the blooms, though not super showy, are quite fragrant and pleasant to smell in any landscape. Then it slowly sets fruit for the late spring.

With an untimely frost, fruit production can be affected, but this does not usually happen. A well-established, healthy tree can average 100 pounds of fruit per season. The loquat is exceptionally drought-tolerant and afflicted with few pests.

It can handle living in the full sun or even under some slight shade. Just like the fruit, the loquat also is a versatile specimen in many landscapes. The fruit has a unique flavor that some would describe as being a mix between a plum and a mango with a hint of cherry.

As it turns from light yellow to orange, you know the fruit is ready. Loquats are used in making jellies and in a finer cuisine . The fruit is surprisingly versatile.

Unfortunately, it bruises easily and travels poorly, meaning anytime one enjoys a loquat it is most likely local. The loquat has been in the nursery trade for quite some time, as it makes an excellent architectural plant seen along the streets of Charleston. The flowers offer an attractive fragrance when most trees are going dormant.

The loquat is exceptionally drought-tolerant and afflicted with few pests. It can handle living in the full sun or even under some slight shade. Just like the fruit, the loquat also is a versatile specimen in many landscapes.

As the fruits have ripened this season, many have noticed that there is some affliction that ails their loquats. There is usually sap oozing from the trunk that has turned black, giving it the appearance that it was burned. The leaves have turned brown but not fallen, giving the limbs the famous shepherd's crook and spreading to kill the entire branch.

Many would note that it is comparable to what happens to certain pears. This is the disease known as fire blight. There are very few reported pests that affect the loquat, making it ideal for the casual gardener.

Yet, there is one pest that can take down a loquat in a few years. As mentioned before, there are very few reported pests that affect the loquat, making it ideal for the casual gardener. Yet, there is one pest that can take down a loquat in a few years.

Fire blight is caused by the bacteria Erwinia amylovora, which is spread in a number of different vectors. The bacterial infection only needs to find an opening, the most common being the flower. This means the primary vectors for this pathogen are unfortunately the pollinators, greatly limiting preventative measures that can be taken.

The disease also can spread through the wind, entering by way of damage to the bark. And as the bacterial disease thrives in warmer weather, it moves quickly as the onset of summer approaches. Fire blight is a well-known disease among apple and peach growers, only affecting plants in the rose family.

There is not an easy fix for the average homeowner, and it seems the disease is spreading as more and more people are reporting loquat decline. The most effective solution is to remove the affected foliage once the disease is spotted, which is usually late spring or early summer. Be careful to constantly clean the pruning tools in between cuts, as this will help alleviate the spread.

Also avoid using heavy nitrogen fertilizers, as this will only accelerate the disease's spread. There is still hope for the loquat, as they are resilient plants. With the removal of affected limbs and proper methods of control, loquats can usually continue to thrive.

But always keep in mind that the pathogen may still be present, and the best way to avoid losing the tree is by being vigilant..

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