
Slugs and snails can be a gardener's worst nightmare, capable of devouring several times their body weight in plant matter in just a single day. These slimy invaders are known to cause havoc in gardens, especially under mild and damp conditions. Gail Morgan, a member of the Gardening UK Facebook group, expressed her frustration with these pests, particularly their appetite for her dahlias.

Despite trying various deterrents, nothing worked until she stumbled upon a solution that "actually works" - garlic water. Gail excitedly posted: "I have to share this win - I can confirm garlic water instantly repels and keeps the slugs and snails away!" She lamented her previous struggles, saying: "I have not been able to get my dahlias to grow at all this year, as soon as there was a shoot it was eaten." With a pet to consider, Gail needed a safe alternative and found success with a daily spritz of garlic water spray.

She said: "Having a dog I needed pet-friendly options. I tried wool pellets, copper tape, gel, and midnight hunts but I could not get rid of them. I made a garlic water spray once a day and it worked brilliantly.

I'm just so pleased it works." The gardening community responded positively to her post, with many echoing support for the method. Michelle Kelly shared her optimism: "Brilliant, this brings me much hope that the garlic spray I made earlier today will save my dahlias.

I've lost so many already." Alex Duxbury has unfolded a Royal tip for the green-thumbed Brits: "I think I read once that was what the gardeners use at Buckingham Palace to look after their gardens and keep pests away." Deborah Davies, sharing her success story, said: "My Dad tried mixing garlic paste with water this year and watering his hostas with it and yes it worked.

" Karen Quinn, thrilled with her discovery, added: "Garlic spray definitely helps on hostas but I hadn't thought to try it on the dahlias. It's so cheap too. I picked a garlic bulb up at Sainsbury's for 24p.

" Rose Gilbert, while discussing her unique approach, offered: "I've been putting pine cones around my hydrangeas. Apparently will help keep blue as well as keep slugs off as it acts as mulch too. I think this has been working but I'm definitely going to try the garlic on the hostas.

"Someone else recommended this technique and it works for them too." Lucy Lu, confirming the effectiveness of the remedy, said: "Yes I have tried it too. It's effective but needs sort of daily application.

" When Gail was probed about how she mixes up the pungent potion, she guided: "I've just used a saucepan of water to half a bulb of garlic, and it has worked wonders! Just put it into a spray bottle and spray when I water my plants." Even the experts at Sienna Hosta are big believers in this fragrant fix, backing garlic water as a "slug deterrent" and suggesting a sprinkle once a week..

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