Gardens aren’t able to look after themselves and there are often plenty of things we can do to make sure they stay looking bright and healthy. As the seasons change, our garden’s needs can too and making the lawn stronger to help it battle the elements in autumn and winter can make for a healthy regrowth in the spring. A grass expert at Lawnsmith has shared a simple hack for you to try to help keep your grass looking healthy.
Lawnsmith’s Ben Agnew said seaweed can be used to promote good lawn health and provides many benefits for your lawn. Seafood can be used to help your grass grow greener and stronger (Image: Getty) Here’s how you can use the superfood to help your grass withstand environmental stress, improve soil health and enhance nutrient absorption. How to use seafood to strengthen your lawn ahead of winter Ben said: “Seaweed promotes good lawn health and biological activity within the grass and the soil producing a greener, stronger and more disease-resistant lawn.
“Just as humans get a boost of nutrients by eating kimchi, kefir and kombucha, seaweed can improve grass health but it is not a replacement for a fertiliser, more a helpful supplement. “It is important to fully understand what seaweed does and how to use it to enable you to add it to your lawn care program.” Seaweed offers multiple benefits for lawns, helping grass withstand environmental stress, improve soil health and enhance nutrient absorption.
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