
The Friday letters page thinks Sony has become too obsessed by Horizon Zero Dawn, as one reader wonders what happened to the Star Wars strategy game. To join in with the discussions yourself email [email protected].

uk Arcade action After putting it off for a while I decided to give Horizon Chase Turbo a go, as I’d heard it was a good retro arcade racer, but I have to say I’m disappointed. It’s kind of bland, in terms of both graphics and gameplay, and I quickly lost interest. But that got me thinking of what is the best arcade racer of all time? It’s a tricky question because first you’ve got to answer whether Mario Kart counts or not.

Most people seem to think it doesn’t but calling it a kart racer seems a bit pointless as almost none of the other ones are worth a second glance. And does F-Zero and WipEout count? Or are they shuffled off to ‘future racers’, in order to get them out the way and pretend they don’t count? I’m not sure. These aren’t the first things I think of when someone says arcade racer though and I’d say the short list, for me, is Burnout Paradise , OutRun 2006, and Split/Second.

The problem is I don’t think you can buy OutRun any more, I assume because of the car licences, so it’s kind of pointless for me to recommend that. Burnout Paradise did get a remaster a few years ago, and it is great, but for me Split/Second: Velocity is the absolute best. The sense of speed, the set pieces, the ‘power play’ trigger events.

.. just.

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