
GALTEE Gaels proved much too strong for Kildimo Pallaskenry in the third round of the Irish Wire Products Ltd County Senior Football Championship coming away with a 4-11 to 0-11 victory in Pallasgreen this evening. Goals from Bob Childs, Alan Condon and two from Zach McCarthy were the difference between the two sides with Kildimo's Peter Nash doing his best from the free spot to keep his side in the game. The tone of the game was set early on as Galtee's Conor McGrath hand passed a ball in Zach McCarthy's direction in which he punched into the goal to put them 1-0 ahead after two minutes.

Kildimo responded immediately with a point from the left leg of Darren O'Connell followed by Garry Sheehan's effort to get them on the scoreboard. McGarth's goal for Galtee spurred the team on with Gaels easily penetrating Kildimo's defence with quick cutting runs. Points came from Alan Condon and Jack Ryan before brothers Tommie and Bob Childs linked up.

A beautiful pass from older brother Tommie inside to his centre forward Bob was shot straight into the back of the net to leave Gaels 2-3 to 0-4 ahead. Kildimo Pallaskenry's last point of the half came from a Peter Nash free on the 17 minute. They were unlucky not to score a goal of their own as the ball banged off the cross bar but failed to go over the goal line.

Gaels showed no mercy though scoring another goal courtesy of mid-fielder Alan Condon, who also fisted his effort into the back of the net like the two previous. Three more points sailed over the bar as they lead 3-7 to 0-4 at half-time. Kildimo's Peter Nash rallied his troops after the break scoring three frees followed by another from Darren O'Connell.

This comeback was halted after 43 minutes as Galtee's Zach McCarthy captured the rebound of his first effort at a goal scoring his second attempt to put another goal on the scoreboard. The opposition tried their best to fight back with most of their scores coming from frees but the goals in the first-half had finished off the game as Galtee Gaels slotted over five more points to end the half and gift them the 4-11 to 0-11 win. SCORERS GALTEE GAELS: Zach McCarthy 2-2, Bob Childs 1-3, Alan Condon 1-2 (0-2 frees), Jack Ryan, Tommie Childs, Maurice O'Sullivan and Alan Coughlan 0-1 each.

KILDIMO PALLASKENRY: Peter Nash 0-7 (0-6 frees, 0-1 45), Darren O'Connell 0-2 (0-1 free), Sean Hartigan and James Pomeroy 0-1 each. GALTEE GAELS: Danny McGrath, Edward Quinn, Eoin Gallahue, Alan Coughlan, Jack Ryan, Maurice O'Sullivan, Padriag McGrath, Tommy Childs (C), Alan Condon, Hugh Moloney, Bob Childs, Sean Clancy, Zach McCarthy, Conor McGrath, Sean Casey. SUBS: Declan Moriarty for P McGrath (46 minutes) KILDIMO PALLASKENRY: Kevin Walsh, Mossy Sheehan, James Ranahan, Cian O'Sullivan, Jack Mullane, James Pomeroy, Ethan Browne, Conor Staff (C), Ciaran McMahon, Paudie Hartigan Sean Hartigan, Garry Sheehan, Ciaran Gavin, Peter Nash, Darren O'Connell SUBS: Keel Moloney for J Ranahan (45 minutes), Ross Allan for J Pomeroy (50 minutes), Conor McMahon for J Mullane (55 minutes), Shaun Barry for S Hartigan (55 minutes) REFEREE: Timmy Mc Grath (Oola).

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