I once heard a fictional story about three trees. In a country field, the trio of small trees stood side by side. One beautiful summer morning, each tiny tree looked up to the heavens.
Then, they asked themselves, “What should I be when I grow up?” Thinking long and hard, the first tree uttered, “I’d like to be a beautiful chest and hold exquisite treasures.” After a few moments, and the second little tree said, “I want to be a strong ship and carry royalty.” Finally, filled with anticipation, the third little tree declared, “I would like to grow up and be the tallest tree in the world, so when people see me, they will look up and think of God.
” As years passed, the little trees grew up. The first tree was made into a cradle. It was not covered with gold, rubies, or filled with jewels, living in a palace.
Rather, it was brought to a stable, and it was stuffed and covered with hay and used to feed farm animals. Yet, one evening, a bright star shone over the stable. And a young woman named Mary placed her newborn son in the feedbox.
Suddenly, the first tree realized it was holding the greatest treasure in the world. Much later, the second tree was crafted into a boat. Since the tree was too weak to sail on an ocean, it was taken to a lake.
Then, a group of men crowded into the boat to go fishing. One man fell asleep on the boat. But, without warning, a huge storm came.
The wind blew and the waves were so high, that water was coming into the boat, and the boat .