
ChildFund Philippines, a child-focused non-governmental organization, recently launched #FunOfAKind campaign that encourages people to volunteer their time, talent, and treasure to ChildFund’s programs that support children and youth. The campaign seeks to engage corporations, their employees, and customers in making meaningful changes in the lives of Filipino children. The creation of the #FunOfAKind campaign will allow the organization to improve culturally relevant and developmentally appropriate learning experiences for indigenous children in BARMM through an inclusive education program called Bajau Ongka-kumpit for Access and Transition to School (BOAT School).

It will also enhance social and emotional learning for children and promote safe learning environments, withdraw more children from the worst form of child labor, engage more youth in leading their own Anti-Online Sexual Abuse or Exploitation of Children (OSAEC) initiatives, and rally for wide adoption of the RAMDAM disaster response app by national agencies. Moreover, the campaign will benefit the organization’s programs in health, education, climate, and livelihood through the following categories: Healthy Mom and Baby Fund, Play and Learn Fund, Growth Fund, and Digital Jobs Fund. THE Healthy Mom and Baby Fund aims to create a safe, nurturing environment for both parents and infants, focusing on early stimulation for optimal growth and development.

The main program that will benefit from this fund is the ENHANCE-RPP (Ensuring Nutrition, Health and Children’s Early Learning Strengthened with Responsive and Protective Parenting). The Play and Learn Fund gives children the best start in life by providing them with opportunities to play and learn in a safe, supportive and responsive environment. This helps create a learning environment that not only helps children develop essential skills but also makes it enjoyable.

Similar to the Healthy Mom and Baby Fund, the main project that will benefit from this fund is the ENHANCE-RPP. As children and youth enter the critical phase of young adulthood, the organization strives to give them the best opportunities to become functional and well-adapted young adults. Through the growth fund, ChildFund will push for programs and projects focusing on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Climate Action, Social Emotional Learning and the like.

Through the Digital Jobs Fund, ChildFund invests in the well-being of children and youth and helps provide the necessary tools that will help them succeed in life. The main program benefiting from this is Job Opportunity Building for Youth (JOB for Youth). Aside from donating funds, employees of ChildFund’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) partners may choose to share their time and talent through organized activities.

Examples of these activities include tree-growing, Brigada Eskwela, employee-led workshops on Artificial Intelligence, Social Emotional Learning, and Financial Literacy, among others. ChildFund is also open to creating more customized experiences with their CSR partners to include activities related to education (Online safety tips, Life skills, sessions, etc.), health (virtual run, healthy plates, parenting sessions, etc.

), climate (coastal clean up, urban gardening, project e-waste, etc.) and youth and livelihood (career talks, job search strategies, digital literacy sessions, etc.).

“The challenges faced by Filipino children are complex,” said Anand Vishwakarma, Country Director of ChildFund Philippines. “By working together, government, businesses, non-government organizations, and concerned citizens, we can achieve far better outcomes for them.” Interested parties may send an email to childfundph@childfund.

org to talk about possible collaborations and partnerships. For more information on how to get involved, visit In a related development, ChildFund Philippines has announced that they plan to reach five million Filipino children and families by 2026 and every year thereafter. This effort will contribute to ChildFund International’s global goal of reaching 100 million children and families by 2030.

“We aim to scale up our efforts to address the evolving challenges faced by Filipino children and youth. Together with our partners, we are driven by the urgent need to create broader and more sustainable impacts through collaborative efforts,” said Vishwakarma. In 2023, the organization reached 21 provinces, 35 cities and municipalities, 365 barangays, and in partnership with 11 local partners, supporting a total of 54 million children, youth, and adults.

ChildFund supports children and youth through various life stages, focusing on education, health, skilling and livelihoods, child protection and participation, and climate action. “From birth to age five, children should be healthy and secure. From six to their teenage years, they need proper education to build personal agency.

By young adulthood, they should have developed skills for employment,” said Dong Waña, Program and Sponsorship Director of ChildFund Philippines..

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