
By FRED SHUSTER UCLA’s Jackie Robinson Stadium on the VA’s West Los Angeles campus was locked down Wednesday after a federal judge ordered the facility closed until the university submits a proposal for the stadium grounds to be used primarily for the benefit of the military veterans for whom the land was originally deeded. The shutdown order came at the conclusion of a daylong hearing Wednesday in which U.S.

District Judge David O. Carter voiced frustration at UCLA and other ex-leaseholders at the VA’s West Los Angeles campus for not offering satisfactory uses for land that he ruled has been illegally contracted from the U.S.

Department of Veterans Affairs. VA security placed locks on all entrances and exit gates to the stadium and an adjacent practice field and posted no trespassing signs in the area at about noon Thursday. UCLA employees could be seen earlier carrying various supplies out of the complex.

UCLA Athletics and the university put out a statement early Thursday afternoon, insisting that “UCLA unequivocally supports veterans, including making sure our country’s heroes get the housing and healthcare they need and deserve.” “The VA has leased a small part of its land to UCLA since 1963. In exchange, the VA receives annual compensation that supports several veteran programs.

Last night, a judge prohibited UCLA’s use of this lease by noon today — we are disappointed with the ruling but are complying. UCLA Athletics is actively working to adjust oper.

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