
Diablo 4’s lack of loadouts is beginning to grate on players who are tired of spending hours changing their builds. Diablo 3’s loadout system has been sorely missed by Diablo 4 players who have been discussing its need at length in recent weeks. A post from one Reddit user drew discontent from the game’s community as they begged Blizzard to add an easier method for swapping playstyles.

The current method for swapping builds in Diablo 4 relies on using rare Scrolls of Amnesia to reset Skills and your Paragon Board. Players then have to go through and assign 48 Skill Points and 220 Paragon points, as well as swapping out all their gear. It’s become a point of frustration for many.

“No loadout system is ridiculous in a game like this,” one player complained . “It’s a game based on many different builds/playstyles. It makes zero sense why this hasn’t been included yet.

” The investment of a full-play session to alternate between builds has even become a retention issue for some players. “Loadouts for me is the difference between playing only one week this season after accomplishing everything and playing for a few weeks, maybe even the full season,” one explained . However, implementing a loadout system to Diablo 4 is likely a lot less simple than it sounds from a development standpoint.

Because of this, certain players are willing to make concessions for any sort of improvement to the monotony of changing builds. “It would be livable without loadouts if we could just import Paragon Boards with a code like WoW talents,” one user suggested . “Imagine just copy and pasting a link from a build guide straight into the game,” another agreed .

Related: Given how much Diablo 4 has changed since its launch, it’s entirely possible that Blizzard could add some sort of loadout option to the game. For now, however, there have been no plans announced or even hinted at by the developer. Diablo 4 has just entered into its fifth seasonal content update and the game has changed a lot since launching over a year ago.

Following a massive overhaul in Season 4 , the newly minted Season of Infernal Hordes added a tonne of well-received inclusions. Hellbreach Dungeons in the early game prepare you for the titular Infernal Hordes , which have overshadowed the Artificer’s Pit as the favored endgame activity. Despite a bunch of new additions to Diablo 4 over the last two seasons, loadouts are still one thing missing that players desperately want.


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